Looking for Speaker Recommendations


I am getting a new system and am looking for speaker recommendations. I will have a ma8950 and will, at least initially, be streaming exclusively. Focal and B & W are too bright and fatiguing. Wilson SabrinaX are good except for the price. Any thoughts? Thanks.


Call Jim at SALK audio.  He builds beautiful cabinets and user expensive drivers.  I like the Song3 Encore’s.

Look for a used pair of Rockport Atria. It would be out of the range but you can stretch a used pair of Atria II will blow the sabrina x away easily. 

outstanding warmer toned speakers without biting treble but plays with lifesize scale and realism, by my experience...

bigger current maggies (1.7i and up)

bigger harbeths and spendor classics (stay away from d-series), grahams

medium to large vandys

some proacs

there may be some others (salk, tyler, among others with good reputations, but i have not owned them)