Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..

I would love to find an excellent recording of acoustic guitar. I'm looking for one that is more towards the genre of pop/rock or country than towards classical. Something upbeat would be great. I don't mind if there are vocals, but my main focus hear is on acoustic guitar. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Tenacious D. This is actor Jack Black's group, but the guitar playing and the vocals are quite good. Some of the tracks are full rock band, but most are acoustic based.

There are many "in between" tracks of just talking, but it's pretty funny if crude (Think, The Man Show). It's pretty "adult," though, so if you have children, you might want to go with headphones.

Admittedly, it's not for everyone, but I put it under the guilty pleasure category.

Have fun!

-Dave and Tim "Live at Luther"
-Dispatch "Gut the Van"
-Bela Fleck and the flecktones(the banjo is the main focus of this one)
-Elliott Smith is also pretty decent
If you're in to more rock-oriented stuff, you might try J Mascis' "Martin & Me." He's typically a loud heavily-distorted indie rocker, but that album is just him and an acoustic guitar, live. You might want to listen to some samples on cdnow.com before you buy though. He's got a croaky voice...definitly not for everyone.