Have you given any thought to requirements such as wire gauge, metal clad conduit, or Cardas receptacles?
You may have an issue from your supply before the dwelling. Ask your energy supplier about upgrading your amperage and what exactly gets replaced on the supply side.
You're going to be asking an electrician about issues they don't run into often if at all. If they keep saying that doesn't matter find another who shows an actual interest in your goals. Home Theater installers may be able to direct you. This is a relatively low expense project not to get right the first time.
Since every dwelling is different even your neighbors usage habits, such as shop tools and old refrigerators can have an effect on the quality of your supply.
You may have an issue from your supply before the dwelling. Ask your energy supplier about upgrading your amperage and what exactly gets replaced on the supply side.
You're going to be asking an electrician about issues they don't run into often if at all. If they keep saying that doesn't matter find another who shows an actual interest in your goals. Home Theater installers may be able to direct you. This is a relatively low expense project not to get right the first time.
Since every dwelling is different even your neighbors usage habits, such as shop tools and old refrigerators can have an effect on the quality of your supply.