LK-85 vs LK-140 for Aktiv w/ Keilith

My dealer did not have any Aktiv system to demonstrate, nor the LK-85 ... I compared Majick and Wakonda+LK-140 on Ninkas, then Wakonda+LK-140+Majick(amp-only) in passive bi-amp - and could hear enough difference to convince me to go active ...
... could anyone tell me if in an active setup having a pair of LK-85 or a pair of LK-140 will make a lot of difference ? (I have a pair of Keilith)
I have two LK-85s running Aktiv Katans and its everything I could want given my budget. I haven't wanted more power but I am also using a REL sub. The Aktiv cards will allow much more efficient use of the amplifier so using two LK-85s have plenty of steam. The resoulution just by using the Aktiv cards is far better than any passive system I have owned or heard so I see even less of need to really crank things up. I am using a Kolector with a Genki as source. I could imagine an increase in power as maybe fleshing out a bit more but I don't even care to try. I'm happy.

Cables have really made a difference for the better as well. You can sure hear the variations, even between a KCAG and Red Dawn. Check out the Linn forum at
Thank you

BTW, I looked at for a Linn forum, couldn't find it ... can you provide URL ?
LK140s will have more bass and a clearer top end. I'm running bi-aktiv 85s on Ninkas with a Wakonda and it is quite nice.

BTW - my retailer always recommends the lk140 for the tweeter in an lk85/lk140 mix; sounds counterintuitive, but LINN recommend this as well, as the better sound of the lk140 is best used on the tweeter.