List of tube integrateds with headphone out

I'm in the market for a tube integrated with a decent headphone out. There aren't many options. I have found the ones listed below:

Cary SLI80
Cary SEI300
Rogue Cronus
Manley Stingray (new version)

Please chime in with other suggestions. Integrateds with a remote get bonus points.
I'm currently using a Cary SLI80. Its great, but I'm always keeping my options open. I use Grado Sr60, SR325i, and Shure840 with it. All are 32ohm loads.

I've heard the Peachtree with other speakers and found it to be a thin sounding unit. It is on my radar again as the Zu's are more efficient than what I heard it paired with.

I use a Rega P5 and SqueezeboxTouch>PS Audio DLIII.

I'm debating the Peachtree as a preamp/DAC/headphone amp, and getting a tube amp for speaker duty.
Did you ever sell the Cayin integrated? If not let me know. I'm here in Richmond.