Linn Ikemi vs. Arcam FMJ CD33

Have someone auditioned the ikemi and FMJ CD33 player.
I would try them both out. When I bought my ikemi I thought the arcam fmj23 was really good but it still was a close second to the ikemi. But If they have improved the arcam with the 33 it would really be hard to say.
Whats the rest of your system. You got to solid choices there so which ever one matchs your system best. You cant really lose either way.
Ikemi and Arcam Fmj23 they are not in same price level. I didn't audition Fmj23, I auditioned Linn Genki it was less clarity and airy than Ikemi, I'd love ikemi sound but its price is high. I look for other option than ikemi. What's your opinion for Linn Genki vs Fmj23(T). My system is Linn LK140 tri-amp active, Kairn preamp and Ninka speakers. Other suggestions are also welcomed. Thanks very much
I heard an instore demo while they were doing a lot of switching between components. this included the Ikemi and the fmj23. big difference. The Ikemi was 3 dimensional and the `23 seemed two instead. haven`t heard the `33 yet though.