Linn av5140 feedback?

Any reviews/feedback on Linn av5140 speakers? Amp & pre-amp pairing suggestions... commentary? Thanks much... John
I have been extremely pleased with my Linn AV5140 front/back and AV5120 centre for over four years now.A couple of years ago I decided to add an AV5150 sub.My next move may be DD ES/dts EX so I can not consider the AV5103 controller(which is the best processor I have heard at two channel) and I have listened very carefully and observed operational quirks and video performance of Krell,ADA,Theta,Meridian,Mcintosh,,EAD,Lexicon,Proceed,B&K,Tag McLaren and more that I would not even consider.So you want to know how good the AV5140 are well I am going to get a third pair for the back of the room and underpin the whole system with a second AV5150 sub (It is a very big room)and probably control it all with a Tag McLaren Audio AV32R/DVD32R,When that is all paid for I will finally go Aktiv (initially the front three and then the four surrounds)Any advise or opinions are very welcome.
I have a set that are tri-amped (older LK100s)with active cross-overs in the amps. Good mid-level speaker, especially run active (I thought they were a little flat and lifeless run passive). Very quick with a strong, deep punch in active mode. Linn tweeters have a particular flavor that some dislike; somewhat closed-in, although very natural; essentially lack that expansive air that some tweeters have. Depth, width and dimensionality of soundstage are medium. There are certainly better, more-resolving speakers out there, but you have to get into the real expensive stuff. Cabinets are great looking, but not as thick and sturdy as old Kaber for example, which was like a thin monolith on a granite platform.
Thanks for all the feedback. Ended up buying a demo pair for a pretty reasonable price, felt, like 'cal', that I'd have to shell out to do much better. They seem much easier to drive than B&W's, (804, 805), and since I'm waiting to upgrade amp, pre-amp, that was part of the decision...

will try to upgrade amp, pre-amp later this year, thanks for advice on pairings. would love to go tri-amp/active, but with the relatively small room, they sound quite solid as-is... Thanks again.