LINN aktiv vs passive biamping

I recently upgraded to aktiv LK85s for my Ninkas, and at first blush am preferring the passive mode. 'Audiophile' qualities of the aktiv mode are there- detail, punch, etc- but the music so far sounds flat, lazy and lifeless- no tune. In fact, the most tune has come from just using my Majik. Has anyone had similar experiences or know if setup becomes super critical in aktiv?

Genki, Majik, 2 LK85s, Keilidh Aktiv cards
Believe it or not, active cards take some time to burn in. My dealer installed mine in my two well-broken-in LK-140s, which drive Keilidhs. Though I did not track the change, it took a good couple of months for the cards alone to break in and begin to sound tuneful. It's such a gradual process that you probably won't notice it day to day; I remember listening one day and thinking "the dealer was right; these really have broken in." Plus, if your LK-85s are brand new, then you've got to make sure they're well broken in also. So, give it a little time, they'll come around! It's a very good excuse to listen to lots of music and crank the volume.
Also, you should notice that speaker placement becomes less of an issue with properly burnt-in cards and amps. However, you may want to double check, if possible, to make sure that your cards are installed properly and that your connection is correct in back of your Ninkas.

And finally, remember that you do have a treble level adjustment at the back of one amp now; it's a simple adjustment, easily achievable by ear. Be sure to check that your tweeters are not set to -2 or -1 db!
They were actually bought through a classified here. The amps are a couple of years old, and I assume the cards are too.

Perplexing. The benefits of aktiv are common knowledge- but so far my ears disagree. Perhaps Keilidh-specific cards in Ninkas are workable but not optimal?