Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



@audioquest4life Apparently Yes. If you go up the thread, there has been a lot of discussions about this. @danmar123  feels there is a difference. Some have found the non global Linlais pleasing. Others like @lowrider57 do not feel its up to mark.  You can check out the posts. I have purchased similar tubes as yours  and am still burning it in. 

Viva says they are an authorised dealer, but these tubes are not the Global Elite from Linlai. I bought the same tube on Ebay, horizontal lettering and ridge in the bass. Compare these to the Elite on Linlai’s site; large vertical logo and a smooth base with no ridge.

And Viva is not referring to them by their proper name. They list them as

Linlai E-6SN7 Globe-Balloon Black Plates.

I would love to hear the Global Elite, but they’re as expensive as a good pair of NOS tubes. If I sell my E-6SN7’s from the dealer in China, maybe I’ll order from Grant Fidelity.


Everyone here is free to do as they choose. I'm simply trying to prevent members from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous vendors.

Not pre-amps by any stretch but I have a pair of Counterpoint power amps UG'd by Alta Vista into NP-100s and currently being used as monoblocks. Will these tubes (they'll reqire a pair each) be as beneficial as in a preamp (my SA-1000 uses a solo 6DJ8)?

I just got my Ken Rad Vt231 black glass. Am  pairing it with my Linlais. I have the KRs on the buffer stage. Seems pretty ordinary to listen to right now. Havent felt the bass depth or  slam that is often associated with the KRs. Sounds  a bit warm.  Is it a case of burning it in? How long do these KR tubes take to burn in? Or should I put the KRs on the gain stage?  Or is it a case of poor matching as in the Linlais dont match well with KRs? My Linlais have also not been burnt in fully yet. Perhaps I should match the KRs with my Sylvania GTBs.  Any one mixed and matched Linlai E6sn7s  with KRs or KRs with Sylvanias. Appreciate your views.


Chill out, you’ve got 4 new tubes installed which require break-in. True NOS Ken Rads need 50-60 hours and you know about the Linlai’s. You’ve got the tubes in the best positions for now. You'll soon hear the extended bass from the KRs.