Linear Tube Audio at Axpona

I would love to hear from folks who had a chance to check out the Linear Tube Audio gear at the show (Teajay?)? I'm very interested in the new ultra linear amp which got good advance notice here at Audiogon, and the preamp which seems a refinement of the microzotl.
Lance, thank you for your detailed report on the new preamp. When will it start shipping?
Thanks Lance for your comments on the sound differences between the ZOTL and Decware amps-much appreciated-by the way I hooked up the MZ2 to the HR-1 speakers and was shocked at how well the MZ2 drove those speakers-not only was the volume sufficient for my listening levels, but it was done with no distortion at all with great imaging, detail, and clarity to the sound

I have a Decware Mini Torii 2 amp with Omega Super 3S ( single RS5 driver ) speakers
I am definitely intrigued by the ZOTL concept and the positive comments I have read on the net.

I wonder how my Super 3S speakers would match up with a ZOTL amp.
Would these speakers be able to convey the high resolution of the ZOTL amp accurately etc or would these speakers be outmatched ?

I would be happy to read any thoughts and comments you guys might have on this matter.


Bob, I have not heard those speakers so I can’t comment on sound but at 93db even the 1 watt MZ2 would work in a small room. Because my 93db ERRx will go pretty loud with the MZ2 direct. Most likely the ZOTL10 would be best. Mark does have a 30 day trial policy.