Levinson Amps: What do they really sound like?

I have never been interested in Levinson amps, because I was given the opinion they were sterile, clinical, & lacked the palpability of other top SS amps. However, I have seen a number of 'Gon members praise them recently.

What is your opinion of their sound compared to Plinius, Roland, Pass, McCormack, Ayre, etc.?
I listened to a complete Levinson CD/preamp/amp plus big Revels with (I think) megabuck Transparent cable in a purpose built listening room. I listened to my classical disks as well as the jazz the owner spun. My female companion and I both felt it sounded very "electronic" (no matter what its clear benefits were.) This fact alone disqualified it from consideration. Frankly I was very surprised because I really wanted to like the system based on reputation, value and so on. IMHO.
i think that levinson does sound clinical to me as well . i stated that after hearing the grand slams with the 33hs that it sounded sterile. the 27.5 and 23.5 i remember sounding much more musical. but i have to say as someone else already said here ; got to have my tubes.
I've been searching for a stereo amp for about 6 months now. I own a ML 360S dac, a 37 transport and a 380S pre-amp. I have not heard any cd player or combo I like better. Although I do think it's a relatively poor value because you can get close for a lot less money including ML's own 390S. I say that to convey that I love ML gear but I'm not bowled over by their amps for my personal taste. I've thoroughly listened to the 33's, 33h's, 336,335 and 334. They are all nice and get better going upward in price with the common ML amp attributes such as resolution, sound stage and transparency. However why people tend to call them analytical is because they lack emotion. Unlike faster amps like Naim or Plinius they tend to round off the attack of notes. Everything is crystal clear but soft in it's delivery. Therefore I, as a listener, do not hear the tension in the music that excites me. How can you listen to Tower of Power with no attack. It just dosen't work for me. But I can see where it would work for somebody else. If you're a smooth jazz fan or light classical person, It's perfect. But if timing and pace float your boat the ML amps might eventually bore you. I currenty own my 2nd Naim 250 but I'm ready to upgrade for more power. I've auditioned Bryston 4b, Plinius mk100, Aragon Paladium, Krell 350, Spectral 150, YBA, and Pass Labs monos. The Plinius mk250 was definitly leading the way as my Naim replacement. I intended to audition the Sim Audio W5 ,Conrad Johnson, McCormack, Bel Canto and Gamut. I picked all based on reviews I'd researched looking for references to speed because that's one thing I tend to equate with being musical, especially in the lower register. However I listened to a pair of Halcro mono amps just because of what a dealer just kind of said on a whim and he did not sell them. I found a dealer and I was stopped immediately in my tracks. I ordered the stereo amp version on the spot.
Jhardy, I found your statement to be true, however, one needs to bring up that speakers are also a very important component in the final anaylsis.

I matched my Levinson with ProAcs and found them to be a suberb combo, however the ProAc lacked punch when I was not listening to Jazz. I picked up a pair of Wilson Watt/Puppy 6es and voila..the sound I was looking for. I did notice that the Wilson were a bit dry and tight at the top end when matched with the Levinson amp.

I too picked up a pair of Halcro DM58s and well...sweet...
I use one 27.5 with Magnepan 1.6QC and a CAL AUDIO tube DAC...
I get the warmth of tubes and the power of solid state.
I love the combination !
