Levinson 332 v Levinson 431

I've had numerous problems with my Levinson 332 - it's been in for repairs numerous times over the past 3 year to replace capacitors and other components. The dealer is recommending that I upgrade to the ML 431.

Is this good money after bad or is this a genuine improvement?

The other components include the ML 39 and the ML 380S.

Appreciate any advice.
Thanks for the advice. the units I have been offered are ex-dem, but apparently with little use. I've had them at home and the sound is really sweet. They botyh appear to run warm when left on standby, however, which seems a bit at odds with your experience

I don't leave my equipment in Standby mode. I turn off all of my equipment when not in use.

Just last night I watched three hours of Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV series), and my Amp 5 heat sinks were only warm to the touch.

I also have about 10 inches of clearance over my AMP 5 on my equipment rack.

My speakers are the Martin Logan Ascent i.

Maybe your speakers are drawing more current?

Also make sure not to block the air flow of either unit, and don't place the amp on the rug.
Thanks for this advice. I am sure this will help.I am using very efficient 94db speakers, so I doubt current draw is a problem. Still sounds great with my Wadia 6 Cd player. Don't think I can accomodate 10" clearance over the AMP, but probably 6" will be good enough. Anyway, what's a little heat. Just makes the whole experience warm!
Some heat should not be too big a problem for the Proceed gear. But excessive heat can add to circuit deterioration over time, albeit a long time. A six-inch clearance should be enough.

It's not so much the efficiency of a given loudspeaker, but its overall impedance curve that matters, as well as if there is any exaggerated phase angle along the frequency spectrum that might cause the speaker's impedance curve to dip to 2 ohms or below.

You may know that as a speaker's impedance decreases, especially in the bass and midrange region, current flow from the amplifier increases, and higher current flow, or draw, places a higher demand on the amplifier causing it to run hotter.

Best of luck!