Last CD purchase; M.L. 39 or Wadia 850?

I'm looking for any advice on comparisions between these two fine CD players. I DO NOT, nor will I buy a pre-amp, so its' narrowed down to these two in a shoot off. Can't find any local dealer who carries both. Anyone out there done the comparison? Thanks for any and all comers, opinions, suggestions!
Wadia has discontinued the Model 850. The new model numbers are the 831 (~$4,000)and the 861 ($7950) are due out approx. June (date is not firm). I recommend Wadia over the ML. thanks..
Read the review of the Wadia 830 in 'Soundstage', where he compares an 830 with his 39.
Don't buy anything, wait until the price drops after the new digital formats are out...
Why don't you consider a Resolution Audio CD50? Are you just interested in name recognition? It'd save you a ton of money, and it's just as good as the other two.
Has anyone heard the Camelot Technologies player, "Morganna"? It is likely not in the same class (it is about $2K), but is a 24/96 player and does have volume control. The CD50 does not play DADs. They also make the Uther DAC which is a step up and can function as a line stage. I haven't heard either of them and am curious. ???