Last CD purchase; M.L. 39 or Wadia 850?

I'm looking for any advice on comparisions between these two fine CD players. I DO NOT, nor will I buy a pre-amp, so its' narrowed down to these two in a shoot off. Can't find any local dealer who carries both. Anyone out there done the comparison? Thanks for any and all comers, opinions, suggestions!
N ot exactly what you asked, but I did extensive comparisons between the M.L. and the Wadia 860 (not the 850) and I bought the 860. They were both great I thought the Wadia had a more natural delivery (aka more analog like), better detail, better bass response.
I had a M.L. 39 which i sold once i heard the resoluion audio CD50.the digital attenuator is by far superior then the two units your yourself alot of money and get yourself a more musical player,THE CD 50.
I also did comparisons between the 860 and the 39. I bought the 860 as well. They are both good, the Wadia is more immediate and tight(accurate) with great tight tuneful bass. The Levinson is much more laid back relaxed (smooth) If your system is nueteral the Wadia might be better, if it is too bright the the Levinson might work better.