Laserdisc Dynamics vs Blu Ray

I've done a lot of research lately on the merits of Laserdisc. A number of people have suggested that a Dolby PCM Surround track sounds much better then DVD and even in some respects better then Blu Ray.

I understand the DVD vs Laserdisc comparison because of the resolution and lack of compression found on Laserdisc in Dolby PCM and even DTS. What I've found interesting is that Laserdisc used Theatrical Audio Cuts while DVD and Blu Ray use watered down Studio mixes for the home. The theory being that many users will use cheaper speakers and television's as their primary audio sources. A Theatrical Audio cut offers dynamics most systems couldn't endure, therefore the mix down.

Can anybody share experiences? Has anybody compared a Lossless Blu Ray presentation vs an older Laserdisc Dolby Surround cut on a decent setup?
Most concert DVDs do have 24 bit PCM tracks. Some are 24/96, some are 24/192, and some are just 16 bits. Sometimes it's not labeled well on the box and you just need to pop the disc and select audio menu to see which tracks are available. DVD players will almost always choose Dolby Digital track as the default, and that's what will be playing if you just hit play. I think two channel PCM is also required in all DVDs but I'm not 100% sure about that.
Hi Jylee,

I find it hard to believe DVD has 24/96 and 24/192 standards if even in two channel. These standards would take up so much room on a disc you'd be hard pressed to fit video. DVD Audio which was for the most part DVD with only Audio lived up to these standards but video simply couldn't fit. Also most direct comparisons of DVD vs LD soundtracks by ear are usually slanted towards the LD's favor. Even measured:

Take a PCM copy of Apocalypse Now and then compare to the DD contest. True contest...Mission Impossible no contest...I could go on and on. I concur that Blu Ray better's LD but many of the movies I've enjoyed simply won't be on BD for many years to come.
Have to say it.
No one else will so far-

Lush with all do respect from what i can gather :)
Your set-up was designed and engineered for LD!
Of course it sounds better!
Go't sit on the floor lamenting over the past.
If you choose to continue this slippery slope do it privately.
Thank you.

With all do respect I have a higher end HT processor with all the latest codec's and a Blu Ray player and a growing collection of movies. I will continue to choose this 'slippery slope'...and this is an open forum, don't want to read it then DON'T.

You sound as ignorant as JOE PUBLIC who thinks CD sounds better then vinyl...don't like what I'm typing then please MOVE ON sir...feel free to stop reading and posting.
OK?.........Epic Fail response aside....

I openly apologize,
I had not realized you were Mark Levinson living in your bleeding edge technology fortress.

Let me guess next...You had Lloyd Walker make your Laser Disc player out of a sold piece of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Titanium too?
Which Lloyd designed according to your personal schematic!

Unless you are replacing capacitors and diodes on a board level on your "higher end" video processor you are not impressing me with your vast beyond "JOE PUBLIC" knowledge.
Lets not get into a hardware pissing match here. LOL!

But seriously though everyone is trying to help you-
I started out very interested in this topic, but you killed it for me.

You are approaching this in an argumentative and one sided manner. If you want another perspective,(which I thought was your basic intention and goal when you started this thread),then you might want to "LISTEN" to what others are saying to you about the topic you choose to discuss.

Trying to convince others of your opinion with bullying and disregard for their opinion is unfounded and even more laughable is dismissing their opinion entirely. This is not what Audiogon is about.

I responded to you according to how you presented yourself on this thread. Which was one sided, low tech and living in the past.

You are true to form and I have not changed my opinion of you so far.
Codecs and a Blu-Ray player will not change that!