Krell Showcase 7.1 DACS

This may be a stupid question, but here goes...

1. What happens (in terms of sound quality) if I feed a Sonos Z80 or Squeezebox's digital out directly into the Krell Showcase 7.1 Pre/Pro's digital input ie use the Krell's internal DACS

Would it be better to use an external DAC in between the Sonos or Squeezeboz and the Krell?

2. Is the Slim Devices Transporter internal DAC better than the Krell internal DAC?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it!
...very, very, sad to think that all the great audio minds here cannot answer my humble question :(
OK Cris,
1.Your Sonos Z80 or Squeezebox would benefit if run through Showcase's dac answer the rest of that (1st) question.....well, it depends on the quality of the dac. There are a lot of good dacs in $500-$1000 range that would probably do a better job then Krell's dac. Preferably with balanced (XLR) out to Showcase XLR-in (pass trough inputs). As you probably know - sky is the limit. It all depends what are you trying to achieve. If I was to are trying to replace your source component (CD,DVD) with one of the above mentioned digital media players without loosing quality. If that is true, are on the good track, but please let us know what are you trying to accomplish.................????
Thank you for your reponse.

My question is really about the quality of the Krell DACs versus exteral DACS.

I would like to play music from my PC/Network music server through either sonos/squeezebox/and possibly the Slim Devices Transporter. Each of these sources outputs digital stream, the transporter has its own DAC. But is the Transporter's DAC really necessary?

It seem to me that insterad of putting a DAC in between the source and the Krell Showcase pre/pro that the Krell already has fairly decent dacs in it.

My question is 1) Compared with the Krell's internal DACs is there that much to be gained by added an external DAC or to use an all-in-one solution like the Transporter 2) Why do you say that external DACS are better than the Krell's DACS? 3) Even if I use an external DAC, won't it just feed into the Krell's internal DAC anyway, or can that be disabled?

Looking forward to your reply...