Krell or Plinius?

Hello everyone!
Im building my system and looking for an integrated amp. I think ill stick with used equipment due to financial reasons. I would like U to advice me which way to go? Krell KAV-400xi or Plinius 9200? My speakers are Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. I need a versatile system to play any kind of music. Which of those two would U recommend and why?

Krell will give you better grip on bass but with a good speaker can sound a bit metallic or "etched" in mids.On other hand Plinius has very "tubey" SS sound that might or might not side by side be your cup of Tea.Depends on your other gear,wiring,and your tastes.I sold Krell way back but would probably go with the Plinius myself.On some very forgiving speakers or ones that aren't as much in need of tubes like the B&W's as they were inherently "warm" I slung with the Krell it worked Krell was fine.
Haven't heard either of those integrateds, but I did briefly own the SA-102. It was one of the best sounding SS amps I've ever heard. I wouldn't hesitate to buy Plinius again if I was in that market.

Im a bit worried about Krell being too cold and clinical although my Mozarts are very musical speakers. On the other hand i auditioned Viennas with MF A5.5 and it was too warm! Not being able to audition Plinius before buying one doesnt help either....
The krell KAV 300iL stands for Audio and Video, the bass response is accurate rhytmic and fast.
Krell is a very sound distorting amp. It is geared towards Hometheater systems not 2 channel audio. Krell will have BASS and alien sounding "treble" from a distant planet.
If you want good amp look at companies that make good speakers like ATC. Their amps are relatively not that expensive if you r considering Krell.

Never heard Plinius, so cannot comment on it.