krell mda 300 ..mono block amp..

hi ..these mono block is been out since early 90. how is the sound. I'm interesting in buying a pairs. Any suggestion will help thks..
Hi Jimmymac928,

All SS amps have capacitors...i am no techie, but the simple man's understanding is their job is to hold and store energy. How much "capacitance" is a measure of how much energy the amp can store...this helps among other things provide headroom and dynamic capability for when there is a surge or draw on energy due to significant transients in your music.

Over time, capacitors tend to lose their ability to store energy a worse case, they leak. Older-tech capacitors had elements that could dry up. In any event, with Krell, which at that generation was largely Class A--meaning the least efficient, hottest burning (but i love the sound best)...capacitors tend to need replacing after 10-15 years. So you 're-cap' them.

Hope that is helpful. A Krell would probably cost about $1000-$1500 to recap...and done well, you should be good to go for another 10 years, as (i am told) most of these well built amps dont have any other areas which would go wrong under normal almost have a 'new amp'.

Hello to all: Since we are on the subject of monon KRELLMDA300 block amps, I take this opportunity to share my feelings. Indeed recently I made the acquisition of these mono block! I also have other amps of a conccurente American brand very known, then obviously it is very difficult to compare! because it is necessary to take into account all the system and thus all that there is upstream. Can be also in spite of that these amps were revised, there is can be components which are not in the top! therefore my feeling is a listening let us say Flat, with a narrowed image, and little projection! therefore not very musical! then is it a characteristic of these amps? or obviously the association with my Martk Levinson 26S preamp and my converter and Metronome Technology reader "big French brand), is not judicious, in any case disappointed of the listening
cordially to all

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