Krell / Mcintosh / Pass For Dynaudios

Hi all,

No way of comparing these next to one another. looking at posibly up grading my amps to make my C5 sing there hearts out. Basically looking at Mcintosh (MC402 or MC501), Krell (no idea of model - sugestions appreciated) or Pass X250.5.

Are the Mcintosh class A?

Will purchase second hand which ever way I go.

I'm using the Krell amp with Kharma 3.2's which most people not familiar with the latest Krell would think is a questionable match. It sounds really really good and I've owned an embarrassing amt. of gear over the years to include many big names. Consider that you can buy an as new Krell 402 on agon right now for under 8k. That's crazy imo.
Ive run Pass x.5 amp into my C4s and presently running a mc402 into them..The Mac falls short IMO compared to the Pass amp .The presentaion is darker and less detailed.I would step up to a x350.5 with your C5s
Anyone has tried Gryphon on C5 before? Heard the company develop their famous amp using c5 as a reference!
Audiofeil, you are a Pass Labs dealer, so you should not be criticizing Krell without disclosing that. If you continue to send me childish unpleasant personal emails, that will also reflect on your character, and you should not expect them to remain private.