Krell Master Reference Amplifier

Any opinions on these amps?

I am in search of the best solid state amp in the world -- is the Krell Master Reference Amp it? Or would it be overrated?

Advice would be greatly appreciated?
Cchp notes "...(I) feel that the Levinson 32 is too dry.." My experience with a 32 was identical to the word: dry.

This was in a number of combos (none incl. Krell & Pipes, but INCLUDING equip Sdr refers to), strangely even with ML amps. Again, the proverbial exotic wires (Valhalla, Siltech, Transparent...) paraded through the system on a trial basis -- but, no cigar. This was with a number of speakers...

The systems sounded like they were "solving a mathematical equation rather than making music" (as a friend aptly put it). Especially so with wide bandwidth amps (Goldmund, Symphonic-Line, Spectral).

I never found out what I was doing wrong to this superbly engineered machine... For example, a CAT pre with stock tubes gave us more musical satisfaction; so did an old Goldmund 7.1 (??)

TO make this story shorter, you might wish to consider the pre-amp sooner rather than later... since you DID mention the issue (I don't wish to sound as if I'm discrediting ML).

OTOH I'd be wary of the oscillation issue; it's something to watch out for in wide-band amplification, but it seems here that your pre-IC-amp combo is losing stability somewhere... Not being electrically inclined, I wouldn't know how to go any further... (Sean maybe?).

As to the power amps, maybe a Symphonic Line (Kraft 250 classA) can be added to the Plinius / Halcro list, if only because its sound reminds me of a big Jadis (OK, it's less romantic and has supersonic extension which may be useless... but it has excellent current capabilities & can drive anything down to ~1,0 ohm, LOUD:)). Cheers!
Random comments:
Oscillation- if you're using Goertz cables do you have the Zoebel networks added?? Don't blame the amps prematurely...(It must be early am, I'm an apologist for Krell!) I also understand that the Halcro is more system dependent than a more "universal amp" like the Plinius. Several people I respect feel the Plinius SA-102 is the very best match for the new QUADs so the 250 deserves careful scrutiny. Again my hobby-horse right now are the Empirical cables and I would audition them immediately with eyes and ears open and wallet smiling.
I currently use the Krell 700cx which I had upgraded from a 600c. Prior to this I owned a Krell KSA250. Over a ten year peiord of lisenting to these amps in different rooms with different combinations of eletcrionics, cables and speakers (currently driving ML Prodigy's & using Transparent cables) I'm of the opinion that the 700cx is the best Krell amp I have heard, period. Without doubt the 700cx is not simply a power house: it is, for me, the most musically involving amp I have heard to date.

However I would also relate a listening experience I had around three or four years ago where I had a rare opportunity to compare a pair of Krell 600 mono's with VTL Wotan's. I have no bias either way when it comes to tubes or ss and in this extended demonstration the Wotan's, in my honest opinion, beat the Krell - and most surpisingly (to me) beat the Krells in the bass (the partnering equipment included JM Grande Utopia's and a Conrad Johnson ART. Having said this - both sets of amps sounded great and I would have been happy to take home either of them. But this brings me to the next point - compatibility: I've read a lot about what works and what does not work with Krell gear. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that there is a synergy when krell equipment is hooked up with other krell equipment (I use a Krell KPS20iL front end) - and this has to be a critical factor in the final selection process.
Paul do you have any experince with the Dynaudio Arbiter or the amps from FM Acoustics?

Thanks for your insights,