Krell FPB 300 vs ML 333 for Thiel CS6

Planning on upgrading from using the front channels on a Proceed AMP 5 (now) to either of the two mentioned in the header. Anyone have any idea of which would be the better choice ? Thanks.
A friend of mine has Thiel cs6. He had ML 331 (not enough power, but I liked it), Pass 350 (somehow less dynamic and warmer sound), and finally ended up to have Nuforce 9SE monoblocks plugged into PS audio P300. That is a wonderful combination, smooth, quick, dynamic sound. Also, Nuforce at full swing consume less than ML in sleep mode.
Thiel match well with Odyssey Stratos Extreme,read my
previous thread.I happened to have mine for sale right
now.I dont mean promoting mine, you can read my previous
thread on this combination.I heard the Thiel Pass Lab
x250 also, they sounded good but I prefer the Odyssey
Thiel combination..Thanks
I had a FPB 200 - used with a pair of 2.3s -thought the combo was excellent (acknowledging the very forward Thiel tweeters) - sold a few years back. Just heard MLs and Classe were better with Thiel. Learning about the capacitor issue with the 3s really makes me lean back towards Krell. Also, I have no experience with Pass but have heard a great deal of positive feedback. The X350 sounds great, perhaps a bit hard to find on the used market however. BTW - can anyone tell me how much the .5 upgrade costs for the ML 333 ? Is sending back to Harmon required ?
I cannot tell you the cost of the .5 upgrade on the ML (but would imagine that this would be easily attainable information directly by e-mailing them), but it is my understanding that yes, it does need to go back. Also, with the Pass Labs, the .5 versions are reportedly a fairly noticeable/recognizeable improvement vs. the non .5 versions. But to be honest, I have never compared the two Pass units to confirm this myself. I know the upgrade for the Krell C version to the CX version (for a FPB300-C to go to a 300-CX) is $2,500 including the new center cap faceplate (Krell just sent this to me on Friday). I think with the ML, the cost of the upgrade might be variable depending on whether you update the faceplate as well.
I have not heard the ML amps with the Thiels. I have owned and auditioned several amps(Pass X600, X350.5, Ayre V-1XE, MXR, V-5XE, Mcintosh 1201s, 402, JC-1 monos)with various models of Thiels. And for me, as nice as they have been, none has worked as well as the FPB amps I own now with my Thiels. Good Luck.