I Have a ROTEL pre amp and 200W power amp and have recently upgraded to the new sonus faber Cremona M . Does anyone have any ideas on amp and source

Any Ideas on the KRELL S300i and 350 CD player??
You might want to look at Pathos integrateds. They work quite well with Cremora speakers. I have them monoblocked with my Cremora M's. I believe Pathos products are made in Italy just like Cremora. To my ears they go together very well. Good luck
I recently heard the Cremona M's connected to Classe CA-M600 amp, and Ayre preamp and CD player. The sound was absolutely beautiful. $14,000 for the amps, $3500 for the preamp. I may take the plunge myself in the not to distant future.
Hi, I had the chance to test the Krell s300i and the Cremona M combination and it was a great combo. I enjoyed the sound very much, honestly it exceeded my expectations as I was not expecting this system to sound so refined and dynamic. Krell new integrated amp really surprised me a lot.