Krell 3250e vs Classe CA-2300 vs Levinson 532H

I am shopping for a new amplifier to drive my Aerial 9 speakers and wanted to hear some opinions.

I know there are several new amplifiers on the market and am considering pairing the following with my ML 326S preamp.

Krell 3250e
ML 532H
Classe CA-2300

If you have experience with any of these amplifiers I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm open to other recommendations too.

I think the best solid state amps are the Clayton M-100's and the Clayton M-200's. They are both Class A and are rated at 100 watts/channel into 8 ohms, 200 watts/channel into 4 ohms, while the M-200's are 200 watts/channel into 8 ohms, etc. They list at $6,500 for the M-100's and $9,500 for the M-200's. The fact that they double the wattage into 4 ohms shows how robust they are. They are the most transparent solid state amps I have ever heard, with excellent bass control and an airy/sweet treble. Almost like the best of all worlds between tubes and solid state.

Another excellent amp is the Modwright DNA-500 that lists about $7,000.

I own a CA-2300 and I love it. I have not heard the other two but Home Theater Review's Andrew Robinson has reviews up for all three. You might want to read these. He rated the CA-2300 with the most stars.
I would strongly encourage you to consider the new Mark Levinson 500H Series amps. Powerful, quiet, cool running amps that will provide a lot of bang for your buck. This is what Kevin Voecks who designed the Salon2's uses. I also have used them to power my Salon2's. Also, customer service has been AWESOME over at Harman in my personal experience.
I think the CA-2300 is more liquid in the highs and has a more natural midrange than the Krells. The 2300 is a bargain, IMHO.