My very first pair of speakers, 40 years ago, were horn loaded, and were Speakerlab K. They were very efficient and I enjoyed the bass, but my ears could not take the rest of the setup. They screeeeeeched and fizzed and sizzled. Ten years later, I discovered tube amplification. The compact disc that was just starting out sounded terrible on my solid state equipment, but very much improved and listenable with my tube amps. So I started enjoying music again. I revisited Klipsch speakers with the purchase of a pair of Chorus II speakers about 4 years ago. The main reason was because some of my tube amps were very low power, and Klipsch speakers are very efficient, will get loud with just a few watts. Just as they are, the Chorus sound good, but really benefit from crossover upgrades and tweeks. I am keeping mine. I also have a pair of the Fortes, and while I see potential, to me they are unlistenable right now. I have no doubt they can and will sound good, with some modifications. I am keeping those as well, but for now they are downstairs in a corner.