Kimber Kable Select

Hey Newbee here. But an older newbee (60) Long story greatly condensed. I have inherited two speaker cords. They are Kimber Kable brand "select" 3035 
I really don't know much about them and am not useing them. They're huge and quite sophisticated looking. Beyond my scope of knowledge for sure. Anyone familiar with these ?

Thanks for your response chayro. I've never sold anything on line and friends much more knowledgable than me kept mentioning Audiogon. The reason I came here is because I really do want to sell them but I want to sell them to someone who would appreciate them. I too, am wary of the cyber world. You've helped me without ripping my head off. I appreciate that. I didn't intend to turn the Kimber Select forum into my personl drama. One more stupid question, does this forum stay up forever?

When you post a classified you should definitely include photos of the actual cables.  And for the sake of all of our eyes, please use moderately high resolution and a flash if indoors so we can actually see the bloody things.  Read through other ads for speaker cables so you get an idea of the content people expect.  And price them realistically.  Unless they are current generation, used cables sell at a substantial discount from "retail", whatever that is.