Kansas City

Interested in having casual and occasional listening "dine arounds" or something along that order. Need to get input into my system and how to improve it, and listen to other systems to get ideas.

Would love to start a small group!
Wow look at the gaps between posts... no wonder it never happened. I don't remember seeing any high end audio stores around KC, and I have lived here for 6 years,
There are a couple you just have to know where to look. I'd be down. To meet up if anyone is interested.
KC Audiophiles:

Living Sound in Wichita is hosting an introduction of the Magnepan 30.7s July 23rd.  Wendell Diller of Magnepan will be here to present these new offerings.  Our purpose will be to showcase these new speakers (see http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/magnepan-307-loudspeaker-part-one/), and to enjoy good music.  Refreshments will be served.  Please contact dayradebaugh@hotmail.com if you are interested in attending.
