JPS Aluminata or Synergistic Research's Tesla Prec

Hey everyone
Dont have the luxury to demo cables.. also a complete noob !

I currently have the Aluminata IC , PC !

Till recently been reading how amazing the latest Tesla SC are on some of the forums or maybe I'm reading things wrong , I cant be too sure..
I have the Speaker Cables remaining and am about a day or two away from purchasing the Aluminata SC , as I've reached a deal with a member !

What do I do , have you heard both the cables , how would they compare , how far ahead are the latest SR Tesla and would you recommend not to go for the Aluminata SC in your experience ?

Just asking , way confused.. which ever cables grant me an immersing experience !

I've been told the Aluminata's really shine when in set , unlike other cables in some cases..

Excuse the blurriness in my question , your experience would be extremely helpful !!
Based on what I gather from your experiences and comments above, you might want to try a slightly mellow or warm sounding speaker cable---something that just might help provide a touch of "romance" to your overall sound by giving you a little more texture or spaciousness through that lower midrange/upper bass region. If you can find a dealer there in England who might be able to let you audition the Cardas Golden Reference, I think it could be worth your while to try it with what you have. You might just like what it provides. If not, you've lost nothing. Again, best of luck.
Marri, just my thoughts on the Synergistic cables.
I have had Nordost and then MIT IC and SC in my system When I went with MIT the PC stayed Nordost The MIT made an improvement. I had a chance to try the new SR Galileo Universal Cells Speaker cables with just their included basik cables. All I can say is WOW. I did not expect that much of a change, let alone for the better. The nice thing about the GUSC is you can use any brand cable with them and get the benefit from them. After that I had a chance to try their power conditioner, Power Cell 10, since upgraded to a Mark II and SR just said a MK III is next. I have had some respected PC in my system and had no complaints but when I put the SR PC in it was very noticeable the improvement it made and I was not the only one to notice.
So the SR cables did play well with others in my system.
I have gone full SR with my IC, SC, and power conditioner. Both cables are the Galileo Universal Cells and the PC is the 10SE MK II. It comes with there top power cord. The only cables I have not changed yet are the power cords but I plan to.
Now I can not compare to the JPS as I have not heard them in my system but I hope I gave some insight on the SR cables. Oh by the way just as a comparison my MIT IC and SC retailed new $5,000 and $8,000. The SR GUC retailed $2,000 and $2,500.
@Opus88 thank you so much , your quite right about me seeking more texture ,you nailed it.
If I ever get the chance will give the Cardas a try..

It's pleasing to get really mature responses here !

I believe ,ur experience is exactly the sort I've been reading all over ,it's what I wish for also!
Whats most attractive is that pricing on SR which isn't that steep , so there's always a way to afford them over most other high end options. Hopefully, I'll get one Power Cell in the near future !
Wonder if the U.S Power Cell's work in europe.. or probably not..
Also will definitely give the SR GUC a go , as soon as I can afford !!
So for stereo , I'll have to buy two SR GUC , one for each line/channel , correct ?

Thank you so much for sharing your experience , it's been quite insightful !!!!

hmm , there seems to be alot of SR power cables out there selling for decent prices on the gon.. quite tempting..
But getting the SR PC runs the potential risk of a mismatch , while the SR GUC will work with my Aluminata SC , so those wont be a waste even with my Aluminata loom in place for the long run..
Marri, the Galileo Cells are sold as pairs. For speakers you will need just one but for sources you will need one from source to preamp and one from preamp to amp. My source is my dac and it has a volume control so I only needed a preamp to amp. Also the speaker cell can be bi wired. Go to the Synergistic web site and you will see the latest versions. If and when, try and go with the active versions as you will get the biggest bang for the money. You will also find a price guide and if you google it you can find an earlier one. They have posted a guide of what they plan on releasing over the next few months under the CES posting. If you can call them they are very willing to guide you for your system and budget. Try Eliot. Right now on Audiogon there are a few Power cell 4 and 10 for sale. If your budget works, go for the 10SE MK II if it is still for sale. SR is coming out with an PC 10SE MKIII as I write this. Check with SR but I believe the PC is not voltage specific, just the cord. But check as I am not sure on that one. You are right to spend your money on the GU speaker cells and use your Aluminata SC with them for now. If you can go for the GUC for the speakers and the PC 10SE MK II. Then go from there. You may find after that you will stay with the Aluminata. SR says many other cables work very well with the GUC. One of my dealer friends love Cardas with the GUC in his system.
Well good luck and post your results after you finish.
Hifial, thanks for clearing that for me... I'll go with the active version then... thanks will check the ones listed here..
I wanted to say it's been great having ur support and help!