Joule Eletra LA 100 MKIII

Just wonder if anyone out there have a copy of the instructions for biasing the tubes for the Joule Electra LA 100 Mk III; much appreciated if you can email or mail me a copy.
I have a copy of the owner's manual, but doesn't mention anything about biasing the tubes.
Geez, I never knew that was an option. I had the LA150 MKII SIgnature Edition - same thing with it?
Sorry for getting back to this late.. The LA-150 line stages do have bias adjustments. They are not meant to be constantly fiddled with though (like on the LA-100), if memory serves bias instructions are not included with the preamp.
Can someone share a copy of the 100 MK3 manual / scheme, or any other model 100 pre-amp manual / info  ?
 thanks much