jolida 202 or 302?

I'm considering either the jolida 202 or 302 amp (which, by the way, easily beat all the ss I've tried in the price range). I've heard only the 302 and a modified 202 (by underwoodwally - top notch, highly recommended). Reportedly the stock 202 and 302 sound very similar. True? If so, why would anyone spend the extra $ for the 302? There's only 10W difference (40 for the 202 and 50 for the 302) which is hardly audible. THe 302 has balance control, but it costs almost $150 extra. Is there something I'm missing? (I do have quite inefficient speakers, but I don't listen very loud, have hardwood floors, smallish room - and besides, 10 watts difference?)
Judasmac, it looks like another tubeophile is beginning to emerge.

Tubes can make a profound difference in an amplifier. In order of priority, I would say either circuit design or transformers are the most important aspect of a tube amplifier, depending on the day, followed by tubes themselves. Except in very rare cases, one does not do anything about the circuit or the transformers, so that much is set. Where most of play around with tube amps is tube rolling. It's analogous to maybe a meal. If one orders a cheeseburger in a restaurant, you might not be able to do much about the patty or bun. However, you can paint a wide spectrum of tastes depending on the cheese, sauce, or fixings. Cheddar, lettuce, tomato, bacon, and mayo sure tastes different than tomato sauce with mozzarella.

How do tubes sound different? Some are punchy, some are soft, some are more neutral sounding, and some may be sunny and warm. If you are looking at a Jolida with the stock tubes, you will realize some very real gains by moving towards European tubes. While I have few complaints regarding a stock Jolida used in the right system, they really seem to open up with a tube upgrade. Again, I think the sound definitely takes a definite step up with either JJ or Svetlana EL34, which you will prefer is dependent upon you. And, don't forget the small signal tubes, as they are very, very important. I prefer to get the right output tubes first, find where your tastes lie, and then take it to the next level with the small tubes.

Incidentally, don't neglect a power cord upgrade, either. In no way do I recommend buying a power cord that costs more than the Jolida itself, but a nice homemade power cord, or something good you can find under $150, perhaps a $50 Absolute PC, is definitely the way to get as much out of the amp as possible.

I believe you may not be able to use 6550, KT88, or KT90 tubes in a 302b without modification. I may be wrong, and in fact, hope I am. The amp that uses these larger tubes is the 502b, and I think may have some different components, even though they are same component otherwise. Incidentally, I do not recommend the 6550 based 502, its sonics are much inferior to the EL34 based 202/302 products. I firmly believe the extra money and power the larger tubes offered in the 502 is more than mitigated by its poorer sound. From recollection, the 801 seemed to correct most of what the 502 took away, but some will still always prefer the magic of the EL34.
JMac, I think the integrated I heard is hybrid,There
is transformer noted behind.I really like the sound.
but the Joilida JD100 sounds so live,no elegant sound,
no sweetnees, no smoothness,just sounds the players,
are in the room.
I have owned several different Jolida tube amps. Here is my assessment. Jolida jd102 - very nice, uncolored sound, good bass for such a small low powered amp. Jolida 202 - very sweet sound, kind of rolled off in the bass and highs, but everything in between is great. Jolida 302 - better bass, drives more speakers, sounds great as well. Jolida 502 - very powerfull bass, less liquid mids, a little bit less musical, but still very enjoyable and very powerful. Jolida 801 - too analytical, somewhat etched highs, very powerful bass. I had a pair of the 801's and I sold them. I prefer the 302 out of them all. I really found some good sound with the 202 in the right system, and the 102 is awesome if you don't expect too much from it.
Whatever JoLida you buy, live with it a while and then get the factory upgrade. Just now getting an upgraded 502B w/KT88s back into my system. After it first came back some months ago, I was not impressed at all but only listened to it for a few hours. Took it out and continued with an EL34-based hybrid I had. Circumstances recently forced me to put the JoLida back in and over the last several nights, it has been quite a wonderful revelation. The JoLida factory ugrade is probably the best couple hundred bucks I've spent on stereo so far.
I used to have the 102 and the 302 and I agree with the previous reviewer that the sound of the 102 is really nice and that is IMO due to the EL84 tube but, the amp still sounded thin even with high efficiency speakers when I played it loud. If you don't insist on it playing loud often, then go for it!
I also had the 302 after downsizing from the Rogue Cronus and the 302 was about 70% of that amp but it really lacked in inner detail compared to the Rogue. Now, I have the ASL 1003DT for $499 from Upscale Audio and I am very happy with ASL as it is not overly warm or noticeably slower like the Jolida was for me but the most inner detail for the money and great mids, highs, and good bass (not fat sounding). Good luck with what you want to try next!