Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Anyone else coming from tubes or hybrid to the INTegrated? Do you miss tubes? I've gotten a bit fed up with them in my hybrid as all the NOS and new pairs I've bought except one has gotten noisy fairly quickly, so I find myself contemplating all SS for the first time in years. I wonder how the INT would compare to something like a Primaluna Dialogue Integrated, which I auditioned with my speakers not long ago.
Lmk when you are ready to sell the Classico CL-3’s. I am wanting a pair to replace my cl 2’s

I've had the Job for a couple weeks now and put a nice power cord on it. I am loving this thing. It's perfect for me and drives the CL3's with ease. Now I'm thinking about a speaker upgrade. What are you guys using with the Job? Looking for a close to full range floorstander, up to about 5k max new or used.