Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
I just got it confirmed this weekend. The INT does DSD128.

Sounds typically Job, fast and bass "grippy" it seems. You must be one of the first, as they went out like last Friday.

First batch sold out.

Next batch in a month!
Have had the amp running over a week now. Just sat down to listen. the sound signature has smoothed out (warm and textured). This amp is tremendous.
How does it compare to the 225 that you previously owned? Does it sound similar but better or altogether different?
Hello Djverne,

I'm curious about the inputs and dac of the Job Integrated. Is the Job dac good enough to replace a Metrum Octave dac or MDAC?
Does the Job Integrated do a AD-DA conversion on the analog input?
If so it would do a second AD-DA conversion on an input from an external dac. That would not be favorable. It would make an external dac a no-go.
Jaaptina, the analog input is digitised. It is converted into digital for DSP purposes, then converted into analog again before amplification. Job does not say what the DSP does.

The innards of the Job are similar to the Mimesis 7 which is, in turn, based on the Telos 360.