JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston Savoy?

I'm in the market to purchase a truly musical speaker, and have heard the Nova's at a local dealer (Palo Alto, CA). However, I'm also considering (but haven't yet auditioned) the Savoy's. I'd love to learn from anyone who has had experience with either (or both:) of these speakers.

Thank you very much!

How tall are your ceilings. If they are high then bass will be an issue with a smaller speaker. Low ceilings will be a different story.
the novas be are fantastic speakers.... 2 years of fabulous ownership... heard the savoy once at a show ,and was impressed as well.... but to my ears the novas be are just right.
Sorry for being disconnected recently; we are having our house remodeled and are now living with friends. Should be able to move back home in a couple of weeks.

However, i have been busy listening to speakers at various dealers, thinking, listening, thinking, and made a purchase: new Aerial 20T's.

To my ears and taste (mostly classical and small orchestral), the 20 T's prouduced the most convincing image. I very much enjoyed the articulate sound of the Nova's. However, after considering my small-ish space, and that I found the JM's a bit forward sounding compared to the 20T's, I went with the 20's. They haven't arrived yet; i'll post a full report in about a month after they (and I) have settled in.

thanks for all the posts!
They are still being produced. In fact, Mike Kelly continues to make 'improvements' over time. While he won't divulge specifics, he will commit to improvements in sound quality: better integration of drivers (suggests xover changes to me), and hinted to other 'tweaks'.

Anyway, i heard the latest version and loved them. LOVED THEM.

I bought a new pair, in piano black. MK describes the finish as literally 'piano' black, as the cabinets are sent to germany for the finish by a piano maker. Should be stunning.

My system is as follows:

ML 326 preamp
ML 334 x 2 (one per speaker, biamp)
Sony XA7ES as transport
Cardas golden cross everywhere

Can you guess the next upgrade? How about a Purcell to tempt the DACs to speak 24/96? (started another thread for this feedback).

I loved the speed of the Novas, and they cast an impressive image. However, I was getting fatigued as i listed to them - they seemed a bit forward to me (could be the setup). Gave up after I carefully considered my room size & ceiling height (8 ft :()

Anyway, I'm counting the days until our remodel is done so that I can set up 'shop'. More later:)