JM Lab Mezzo Utopia ?

JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers. They list for $14K. Are they worth it? Does anyone have a pr or listened to them recently?
Thank you for the feedback.
I've heard them many times and have owned a pair of Mini Utopias so I am familar with the JMLab sound. When you are talking about 10-15k there are a lot of really good speakers and there is NO clear winner. When you get to this level, you are in world class stuff and it becomes a matter of listening preferences and room sizes. Even if you have the money if you have a small room a speaker like the Mezzo (and most in its price range) won't serve you well. You end up overloading the rooom. The Mezzo needs a good sized room. When these are set up with the right equipment (a must with everything)you get some spectacular results. They have probably the widest soundstage I have heard.
Now they don't go down to the nether regions with bass but they are between 35-38 which will handle about 98% of all the music you will listen to. However, that is just not enough for some people and when you spend that much you figure you ought to get a lower response - but that is a matter of opinion.
JMLab in general make great musically sounding speakers and the Mezzo represents the Lab sound well. I have come to enjoy Labs over almost everything I have heard.
Your best bet is to do some serious listening with several things you are interested in within this range.
I am sure you would respect the Mezzo and you may find it scratch your itch.

Decisions,... Decisons. Need Speakers!
I have a local JM Lab dealer who has a Band New Pair of Mezzo Utopias in the Box,
for $ 8400 plus tax (that's about 40% discount). Should I go for it, or try for a B&W N-801 in that price range. I need something fairly effecient in the 88db and higher. Plus I love bottom end with extension and but no boom bass please. Or is there something else out there I don't know about. Help !
Thanks again.