Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
06-01-08: Coffeey said:
"Send one to hi fi critic and see what they say about it."


Imagine all the poor audiophiles out there that don't listen for themselves and actually build systems off those dweebs' advice.

thanks guys I really appreciate your comments. I think I will call rather than mail JRDG.

I am too, very excited about getting my new amplifier. I am trying to be just little prudent about it since the continuum is so new and there is no information even on the company's website. That's all.
Hi Facias, I suspect you may find it easier to get in touch with Jeff by phone than by eMail. 302 and 312 do not contain the same ICE modules. 302 had a discrete power supply. I believe that the newer 312 uses a 3rd generation ICE module with integrated power supply. . . . and having said that, it has more authority than older 302. It is worth remembering though that JRDG uses ICE modules as basic low level building blocks, and only 102, and 201 should be deemed relatively minimalistic designs. Particular Continuum 500, 312 and 301 devices all have complex circuitry designed/implemented to support the ICE modules. I believe that Continuum 500 uses integrated power supplies which are fed 385V DC current by the PFC 1500W front end rectifier. G.
Thanks David I might have to resend the mail.

Well I've heard there are difference within the module results in sonic difference. If new continuum 500 uses 1000A instead of 1000ASP, That might means the continuum may well reach near 312 which may be really something.
Resend your email and give it a few days. Jeff checks his email once or twice per week. You can also call during business hours (probably more reliable).

Just curious, if you don't mind, why would you care?

Thanks for the greeting quick response.

My prior understanding was that 501 and 201 use ICEpower 500ASP and 1000ASP modules respectively which includes power supply unit whereas model 302 and 312 use ICEPower 500A and 1000A respectively which requires separate power supply units.

I have sent an email to Jeff Rowland about 2 weeks ago and have not received reply as yet. Perhaps I might have to give them a call to find out.

Thanks anyway guys~
Facias, I'm not sure what "module" you're speaking of. All the amplifiers that you mentioned contain ICEpower modules, some also have Power Factor Correction. The Continuum 500 has the power units as the 501s. It has PFC units, but not the same ones available in the PC1 as an add-on to the 501. The pre-amp section of both Continuums is the same as the Capri, except that the 500 operates in DC, thanks to the PFC units in the 500.

Besides the power difference, the Continuum 250 does not have the PFC units that the 500 has.

Did one of us answer your question?

See Continuum Review for my review.

Guido my friend, JRDG, Soundings and I are in the Mountain Time Zone, one-hour behind Central.

Good suggestion Macrojack. JRDG is at 719-473-1181. Be aware that they are in US Central time. They are most easily contacted from 9:00 AM central to 12:000 PM. Then again from about 1:30 PM central to 4:30 pm central. . . but hrs may vary.
I also suggest you get in touch with one of the major JRDG dealers like Soundings, at 303- 759-5505, and speak to Rod, Shanker, or Mark.
Call Jeff Rowland and find out what you need to know first hand. $8800 is too much to invest based on internet hearsay.
The 501 does not have the same module used for 201. If I remember correctly, the 501 and the 312 may use the same modules instead. The Continuum 500 -- which is the model variant I would suggest -- essentially contains 2 501 circuits, for the amplification component, a Capri-like pre-amplification circuit, and a Power Factor Correction (PFC) capacity capable of delivering 1500W of DC current at 385V. This last one is essentially twice the DC current delivered by a single PC1 external unit. Please note that a massive PFC capacity is one of the major reasons for the sonic advantage of 312 stereo over the 501 monos.

By contrast, the Continuum 250 has no PFC circuit, and if I recall correctly uses the same power conversion modules used in the 201.

One note of JRDG trivia. . . Continuum 500 is selling like hot cakes, and may be JRDG's hottest best seller yet.

DCSTEP can comment on the sonics of his COntinuum 500.