Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
Hi Facias, I suspect you may find it easier to get in touch with Jeff by phone than by eMail. 302 and 312 do not contain the same ICE modules. 302 had a discrete power supply. I believe that the newer 312 uses a 3rd generation ICE module with integrated power supply. . . . and having said that, it has more authority than older 302. It is worth remembering though that JRDG uses ICE modules as basic low level building blocks, and only 102, and 201 should be deemed relatively minimalistic designs. Particular Continuum 500, 312 and 301 devices all have complex circuitry designed/implemented to support the ICE modules. I believe that Continuum 500 uses integrated power supplies which are fed 385V DC current by the PFC 1500W front end rectifier. G.
thanks guys I really appreciate your comments. I think I will call rather than mail JRDG.

I am too, very excited about getting my new amplifier. I am trying to be just little prudent about it since the continuum is so new and there is no information even on the company's website. That's all.
06-01-08: Coffeey said:
"Send one to hi fi critic and see what they say about it."


Imagine all the poor audiophiles out there that don't listen for themselves and actually build systems off those dweebs' advice.

06-01-08: Facias said:
"I am too, very excited about getting my new amplifier. I am trying to be just little prudent about it since the continuum is so new and there is no information even on the company's website. That's all."

Oh, so you already ordered one? What part of the world are you in? They're selling like hotcakes in Asia and parts of Europe, based on the number of units being shipped the two times I've visited JRDG.

Jeff is trying to finish up the Criterion, his new ne plus ultra battery powered preamp. Hopefully the next project will be to update the web site. There's no one on staff to do that regularly, so it gets squeezed in between creating new world-beating products. Maybe I can convince the guys at Soundings to donate a day or two's time to do the update.
