JBL L300 Summit vs. Olympus w/S8R system

Has anyone heard the S8R system? How does it compare with other JBL speakers?
I don't understand the previous posts.A JBL Summit 300 is a very high effecient horn loaded speaker it should not require very much amp power at all unless you want night club disco levels at 200 watts per channel.50 watts per side should be more then enough.I suppose it depends on the type of music you listen too,and your listening hubits.
I use to own a pro 4 way JBL 4343 which was a step up from the 300 Summit and I had to sell it because it was just putting out to much SPL Levels in a home situation.At the time I was using a Marantz 4400 Receiver in Stereo mode at 100 watts per channel which was to much for a home listening room IMO.
"I had to sell it because it was just putting out to much SPL Levels in a home situation" - I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but couldn't you just turn the volume knob down?
As you mentioned Olympus S8R would work with low power amps. Do you have any suggestion. I am useing Jadis JA500 to drive with S8R. I found the mid range density is pretty good and musical. Somebody told me MC240 is the best matching with S8R?? Do you have any idea, pls. let me know
It sounds great with a pair of modified Leak TL-10.1's and amazing with Radford STA-25.
I am not familar with Leak TL10.1's and Radford STA-25. Those are single end?? What about MC-240 compare with single end?? Can anyone give me any suggestion.