Rok, Mary is ’drugarica’ (fem.) not ’drug’ (masc.)
So, the correct expresssion would be ’hvala, drugarice (we have many declinations) mary
But, my bow for the effort...
Jazz for aficionados
Just listening to live 4cd album ’In person Friday and Saturday at the Blackhawk’ of Miles Davis. Great sonics, and some fine playing from the band. I enjoy very much hearing Wynton Kelly in concert, it might be the only album where I heard him that way. Rythm section of Chambers and Cobb is great too. I have some slight reservations on some playing of Mobley, but perhaps that might be because he is not one of my favourite sax players (tonevise). Any thoughts from the guys on stands?
Acman, cant be proud of my ignorance, but I am littlle bit relieved since Frogman has not heard of M.Hill you stream music? I just ask because you post wide randge of very different music, always wondered where do you find it...As much as I like my old school method (only for the sake of old school) I must admit that your way seems to be more efffective... some german (obscure,off course) jazz from 60's
Reposting, but its on subject... Lenny Hambro
Hal McKusick has been mentioned before, too, but, still...
Well, you can always send me your fax number and I will send you the list of albums...there is an arrow under the link played that says ’share’ and I copied the link and paste it here, like always. I understand that its not possible to click and open it, but perhaps its possible to copy it and than search the link? If not, will write the title of album, as I already do, so you can search it for yourself...if you wish, of course... Computers are not mine thing also... |
Frank Morgan, great player with very interesting life story...
Well, this is certainly not jazz (aldo they have worked with some notable jazzmen), but still, interesting music, if you like that type, I beleive that Op would be interested, as well as @mahgister and perhaps some of you guys as well The name of the choir is ’Skruk’, they are from Norway and they have been active for almost 50 yeras now. SKRUK has a varied repertoire, influenced by Norwegian folk music, spirituals, world music, and jazz, and has collaborated with many musicians,
'James Clay only led two record sessions before settling in obscurity in Texas, where he would not be rediscovered until the late '80s. Cannonball Adderley helped present him on Riverside in 1960, so it seemed fair that Clay utilized several of Adderley's sidemen on this session (cornetist Nat Adderley or vibraphonist Victor Feldman, bassist Sam Jones, and drummer Louis Hayes) along with a young Gene Harris on piano. Clay splits his time between his lyrical flute and tough tenor, proving to be an excellent bop-based improviser.'
Yesterday checked the hystory of his posts, he has not posted anything since the end of the last year. Hope he is ok. Have not seen @schubert posting anything also. Again, if you guys are reading any of this, just give us a proof of life,,, Paul, few pages back I have posted Paul Desmonds concert in Canada, if you do not have it, check it out...there is also a 7 cd edition of it...this one is double cd, on Verve, great sonics
I do not use pc audio or any streamers, so when I search for new music, I stick to the old fashioned way of ’digging’ via ’All music guide to jazz’ book and later ytube for preview listening, if there are any clips. I really should thank some of the posters there, for time and effort and for sharing their music.. However, (for me) its getting harder to find music ( ’nos’) that I really consider ’exceptional’,perhaps the reason lies in ’Frogman’s rule’ Anyway, here are some of the albums that I bought recently, not essential music, but still good ones, perhaps some might find them to their liking. In random order:
Les McCann live album from Village Vanguard 1967, here under 'I am in love title, but sometimes is also issued as 'How's your mother' title. I have the latter one
@stuartk , well, since I have started posting here, I have tryed to introduce fellow members to some long forgotten artists and hopefully I menaged to do so.In the same time I have always wondered why some of them never made it, in terms of recognition, at least, even to their contemporaries, nevermind the enthusiasts from the present. Now, there comes the Frogman, who basically said (not in so few words and no so blunt) that reason being so is that those guys were never so ’good’ to be ’recognised’ at first place. So, there were some questions and discussions raised about it, but between the ’old’ posters that remained as colloquial expression (often with mild irony) when some of the artists of that ’type’ were mentioned... I am aware of Penguin guide, but ’All music’ seemed to be more complete, back than when I got it and later I have just continued to use it.... |
Thanks Paul, will listen to it. I have nothing at all from J. Handy, very courious to hear it more, line up certainly looks impressive. Now I took another look and saw that you have written the post a week ago. Sorry for not answering before, I do not know how I missed whole page of different posts... |
@curiousjim Here is another Jeremy Pelt album that I like, in fact, it was here on these pages that first I've heard it
@curiousjim Listen to Chamber’s ’Bass on top’ album...
’Speaking’ of ’Frogman’s rule’,... here is a debut album of Nancy Harrow. It is recorded in 1961. with a quite strong line up. She did not lead lead album until 1978 (except one lesser known from 1968, quote from ’All music’)
@curiousjim , I guess you could find more good music posted here than on stream😎 is another Don Friedman album, both posted here, I believe. On the other hand, since I do not stream, perhaps I am missing something, but after a while its becoming more difficult for me to find more music that I really like...often I buy some another album of artists that I already have.Aldo, I admit @acman3 often posts music that I never heard before, if only I like it all 😀
@curiousjim Check on how many albums Victor Feldman played,as sideman, you will be surprised...few suggestions, his solo albums
Well, have not posted long enough to forget my password...nice to see you all guys here on the same page again... Rock, if that is not too much to ask, is it okay if you tell us the op's name?Perhaps a link to that obituary? I would just like to connect the words with a face... On a perhaps brighter album I've been listening the most few recent mornings and some nights too...Zoot Sims 'Nirvana'
Scott La Faro playing on album of Victor Feldman from 1958. I think that here you can hear his 'way' of playing as well (not only with Evans) Acaman, I use cd player (usually the best I can get my hands on, now a Burmester 089) Pc audio or streaming is not for me and the proper vinyl rig, along with all the albums that I have, would cost me a fortune..but I agree about the sound ...
Acman, this is my third Burmester player, I really like their sound, had 001, than 061 for a while, bought another 001 and now 089. Also had a Dcs Puccini with clock and Metronome 2s. Dcs is terrific machine, but as I listen almost only jazz, older production, it was ’too much’ on many albums, It showed all imperfections in production and that bothered me when I was listening, Burmester is ’better’, very revealing, but somehow menages to extract music only (if that makes sense) and leaves the imperfections of production a bit more hidden than Dcs. Still, If i could afford it, would like to have all my music on vinyl and some very good turntable...but, yesterday bought 8 albums for a total price of 50usd with shipping....thats impossible with records....anyway, enough of this ’audiophile’ talk... |
@pjw81563 , I dont have that one (speaking of Feldman), but beside posted ones I have ’On vibes’ and ’Merry Olde Soul* but many others where he plays as sideman. With Shelly Manne and his men ’live at the blackhawk’ you might have, if not, all 5 albums are great, as well as the work he has done with Adderley (5 albums), or Curtis Amy (Way Down), who was mentioned also here not so while ago In fact, he aslo redorded with above mentioned Blue Mitchell on ’Stablemates’ album, as well as with Miles on ’Seven steps to heaven’ which he composed. Miles even invited him to be part of his bend after that recoding, but he refused, choosing life of studio musician instead. Have him with Leroy Vinnegar on ’Leroy walks/Walks again, on ’Sonny Rollins and Contemporary Leaders’ and many more. Again, you should all check his discography, he played on all (first) Steely Dan 8 albums, played from Zappa to Elton John or B.B King...or Liza Minelli....its crazy.. Anyway, speaking of vibes, this album came on my mind, its Roy Ayers first and perhaps only ’proper’ jazz album from 1953.’West Coast vibes’ before he went on the dark side..
Paul, will keep it short, but you can write me on fb. Burmester is cheaper in Europe,than in the States, so aldo still expensive, its not out of the reach for 'normal' people. The 089 model is still in the production, unchanged, as far as I know, as are many other their gear. I bought mine almost two years ago, from 'friendly dealer' as a store demo, with good discount, of course. Previously I had 001 twice, also belt driven model and had no troubles with it at all, for years . Burmester is known for providing care and service for discounted models as well and is very well built.In time when cd's in general, along with players, are considered as 'obsolete', I wanted something that I could continue to use for years to come |