Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by alexatpos

Orpheus, my father is about your age (b.41.) Before the start of all this, he used to walk miles, daily. (pedestrian to the core, never even owned the car) Just recently, for few days he did not leave the house. Nothing wrong with him, he is not beeing sick or anything. Just too much tv news and subsequent feeling of depression. If the weather conditions are not terrible, best thing you can do for yourself is to be active outdoors. The fear is the only thing one should be afraid of.

Keegiam, Bogaloo has more than few good albums, chek him up.Pitty that he didi not played earlier.Posted this before...

Few years back I bought sacd player, Dcs Puccini with clock and when I listened to native dsd, it was better than anything I've heard on red book
The Dcs has a 'switch' that can 'turn' pcm on dsd, when listening cd's.
Since allmost all my music is jazz from '55-'65 and the prouduction is what it is on those recordings, I really could not hear any significant difference between those two mods.

So, I thought, I should get music I like on sacd and started to buy sacd editions, mostly mastered by Analogue productions,only to realise (I know, it was obvious, but had to try it myself ) that recordings of 'yesterday' simply cant sound the way the new ones can (perhaps on some other format, but not on digital, at least not on one that 'regular' folks can buy)

So, Rok, my advise is to skip sacds if you plan to stick to jazz music. Since you listen to classic music as well, I guess that is where your funds should  be be better spend
Frogman (and others too) would you call this a jazz music?

Music for a While - Improvisations on Purcell


Recently I have started to buy albums from Enrico Pieranunzi.
Heard him long time ago with Chet Baker, has a big and wide opus.
Same question as above:



Frogman, I admit, my question was somewhat rhetorical, but on other hand I am always curious to learn something new.
Concerning those few clips I would not call them as jazz per se, but my reason for that to say sounds  controversial for me as I write it.
In my conception of jazz  (I am very aware of fact that is very limited one) I want to believe that for some music to be called jazz it has to have some sort of spontaneus creativity in performance which I dont hear in any of those pieces. 
To me they sound like very thoughtful and elaborated compositions, played with great care and precision.
However, I could say the same for any number of 'jazz' pieces that I consider to be 'true' jazz.
So, I am very aware that my 'reason' stands on shaky ground and I usually try to stay away from such discussions as I do not think that I have enough education to state my opinion as a fact.
Also, its true that I conect the meaning of 'jazz' with certain sounds and ways of playing, but than again I know that is something that I have learned to recognise as such and would not 'hide' behind it, if not for any other reason, than just of fear that I might miss something important (music wise) that might come later on.
The fact that I am not a fan of some music today it may not mean that I might not like it...ok, not tommorow, but later on...
Last night I was listening Sonny Stitt, so I played his music this morning as well, but on different albums and it happened that Grant Green plays there too.
Reading previous posts from Paul was nice coincidence.

This albums should not be neglected, when talking about funky side of Grant Green.

Don Patterson with Sonny Stitt (and Grant Green) 'Donny Brook'

same line up album 'Brothers 4'

again same line up, but album is from Sonny Stitt /Soul People

By the way, I like and have the S.Clark/G.Green album-compliation. Its not much you can do soundwise,it is what it is, aldo I prefer Blue Note before the later remasters, but there are some remasters that are quite good (and not so good) but, that could be said for 'original' editions (on cd) as well
Paul and Keegiam, here is the link for dobule cd edition of C.Rouse with 3 and half albums on it. The sonics are quite good. It can be found on Amazon as well

I will just add (since Mary mentioned me) that in my experience cables do matter much,in fact so much that I ve heard systems which were 'ruined' by poor choice of cables.

The thing that is even more 'funny' is that power cables are very important as well, as much as that could be laughable to people who have proper education in electronic field, or to ones that do not have hi fi system.

Since the market is the 'king' arguing why something cost so much is pointless (personally I agree that some prices are not 'justified') 

But, everyone makes his own choices and for that there is no better quote than from legendary soccer player George Best:

'I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered'

@curiousjim  Thanks for the suggestion. I do not have any of his albums, but that particular one I've listened many times. For some reason it can be often find in many audio shops, or at least at ones that I've been into. Now as I think, I have only one album with jazz from japan...I believe that there are many others, but never found enough time (or will) to explore that directions. I am not streaming and I try to buy every cd that I like, so sometimes finding ones to buy takes me more time than finding some that I like. As I have expand my collection with years, the albums that I wish to buy are becoming less frequent, but more difficult to find and more expensive...I know, I know, but I just do not care about digital content...


@stuartk dark and moody...try this...posted before, Eddie Costa





Ram Jam - Ernest Ranglin, Monty Alexander, Sly & Robbie


Had a girlfriend in Berlin and about that time booked the tickets for that concert. Few days before the show got into ’fight’ with her, left Berlin without seeing the concert.. Later we patched things up, but never got to see them again. (Ranglin was 79 at the time)

Once (for reason I cant remember) did not see him playing in my own hometown.

Marc Ribot

...and worst of all, once (in 2006) booked the tickets for Clapton, Metheney, Santana and james Brown at Umbria Jazz festival in Perugia, but did not went, for reasons that I do not want to tell,ha,ha
Keegiam, without the stories even the music would not be so good...

maybe you will like next clip, Rodney Jones from his album 'Soul Manifesto' (and live)


This is the story about second greatest jazz guitarist of all time.
Everyone who likes good movies should see it.
Perhaps even could help you decide who's the best ?

'Sweet and Lowdown' directed by Woody Allen from 1999.

Keegiam, again, this was posted before, but if you do not have this album, check it out.
Same line up as on 'Idle Moments', in fact it was recorded roughly on the same dates, but the album was issued years later under Bobby Hutcherson name.

 'The Kicker'


My vote too goes for longer listening. Sometimes the difference might be obvious (usually when something is not 'right' ) but sometimes it took me days to clearly undersatand the overall influence on sound with some cables.
Also, sometimes changing cables required some slight repositioning of speakers (inches can make the world of difference)
In fact, the relation between room and speakers and their position might be more substantial then the choice of equimpment (if you mess thing up)
But, IC cables are simple task....wait untill you start listening powercables..,

Some music, some blues....just got this album today....great sound as well

Billie Poole 'Confessin the blues' with K.Burrell and Junior Mance, from 1963.




Paul, I live in small appartment buliding (4 floors), installed new electric lines, one is only for my hi fi.
Messured voltage, it does not oscilate
Used power conditioner as well (Runnning Springs Dmitri) , had gear with its own 'filtration' (Krell Evo 302) and still, always heard the difference in sound when I would put a different power cord on any piece of my equipment.

There is everlasting discussion between 'believers' and the ones who are saying that that is impossible, so I would not go into that, my advice is just to try some aftermarket power cord and hear for yourself.

If you do not hear any changes, good for you, you will save money, time and potentially nerves...
If you do, than it could take some time to find the one that is 'best' for your gear and your perceived character of music presentation.

In my humble experience, the power cords influence the sound as much as other cables and obviously the cable producers have found the way so that their power cord have the same sound characteristcs  as the rest of their wire products, at least the couple major brands whose cables I have used (Cardas, Nordost)
 I have also tryed cables from the Shunyata, Ps Audio, Audio Note Kondo, Jorma and few others...strange way to spend the time, I know....

To make things 'worst' (for wallet) its usually the products from the very top of their offerings that 'sounds' the best, the rest were not so satisfactory, even if they were much better than stock cables that you get with the gear. (perhaps the only exception was the 20A stock cord that comes with Krell amp)

Anyway, you guys have 'Cable co' so its much easier for you to try, I have to ask any friend (and some friendly dealers) I got to try their cables....

But, somebody could suspect that this is audiphile site, so back to the music...

Two albums that I got recently.....Benny Golson 'Free' and 'Turning point' from 1962.



Re. tires...have even 'worst' story...back in 2004. I think, Bmw introduced the 'run flat tire', meaning, you could not have puncture.
To achive that, they demanded that tire manufacturers make special tires for them, that had very sturdy side profiles, so even with puncture and no air in it you could still drive.
Needless to say, that solution is in sharp contrast with their 'ultimate driving machine' slogan.
So, for couple times (in days when was young and foolish) I would make some inicial miles with those tires and than would change them for 'ordinary' ones....with a 'catch'....
 Bmw had no spare tire (obviously) so I needed to buy a reserve wheel and the tire for it and keep it in trunk which had no designed place for it (again,obviously) 
The two door cars that I drove at the time had little space in a trunk anyhow, but, what' s a little 'sacrifice' when 'perfromance' is in question? 


I could not say much about the state of jazz affair in scandinavian countries (as there is lot of new jazz coming from there) but as fas as Germany or Italy is concerned (I am ofthen there, in various places) jazz is not so 'popular' among 'younger' crowd. I spend lots of time in Berlin, there are few nice clubs where jazz is played live on regular basis, but the places are not that big and not really overcrowded (if anywhere else is different)

Even in Perugia, in Italy, the town which hosts second largest jazz festival in Europe (Umbria jazz) and known as university town, there are not much jazz going on, outside the festival times.

One should look at record sales to know for sure (or perhaps not, as everyone stream these days) to be certain, but looking at department stores, the classical department is always much bigger and with more customers, at least in ones that I have been.

Here is one link, my favourite and biggest record, book and movie store in Berlin. In fact the department with classical music occupies the whole floor, in the basement, biger than all the ohers combined. (click on the photo to scroll for more photos)



I am not sure has this been posted (maybe as part of Rok's 'diva series') but lately I ve been listening this album...nice sonics too

A Jazz date with Chris Connor



Acman, very nice. Ashamed to say, never heard of her, until now.
Well, one for the good morning...


...and for those ones who need little boost early on...


...’Scandinavian kind of blues that places intensity, tone, space and meaning ahead of virtuosic athleticism. Taking ages old Swedish folk melodies from Svenska Låtar and then interpreting them from a jazz perspective, Johansson’s carefully nuanced sound, the gradation of his touch, the exquisite detail of every note revealed by the meticulous recording quality captured a unique approach to jazz’...from 1962.-64.

Jan Johansson: Jazz Pa Svenska



Just ordered these two albums and I think they are worth of your attention

Billy Taylor 'Uptown' from 1960. live at the Prelude...


Barney Kessel 'Red hot and blues' from 1988. with B.Hutcherson and K.Barron

Eliot Zigmund  legendary American Jazz Drummer known for playing with Bill Evans, Jim Hall, Chet Baker, Stan Getz (and so many others), is on this week's episode of Gone In 30 Minutes,   describes auditioning for Bill Evans at the Village Vanguard in front of a live audience, the experience of gigging 5-6 gigs nights per week, and the art of playing with the incomparable Vince Guaraldi...

Sound via ytube does not helps, but these are two nice west coast albums from prominent bass player. Good sound on cd editions...

'Leroy Walks' from 1957.


'Leroy Walks again' from 1962./63.


Stuartk, just in case you missed this session...

Grant Green; Kenny Burrell; and Barney Kessell together,live

For Rok and the others....if you cant fight them, join them....

Cannonball Aderley quintet Plus album from 1961.


Just hope that you will not decide next to post all J.S. Bach's albums you've got...or F.Zappa's....
This album was long  unavailable (on cd) but now I have seen it beeing printed and sold again, on Amazon.

For all Kenny Burrell fans or for ones that simply like good music

Asphalt Canyon Suite from 1969.




Lately, when I check these pages, I feel like watching a slot machine rolling...

smthg. like this... https://youtu.be/ZqVpSIqG4pg

Rok, what is going on?
Why so many posts this way?
 Almost all communication is gone now, its like there is a random stramer posting here instead of you?
Recently I have stumbled on these two albums that I liked much

Ted Rosenthal Trio ’My Funny Valentine’ from 2007.


John Hicks Trio ’Moanin’ Portrait Of Art Blakey’ from 1992.


Does anybody have some other albums of these guys to recommend?
Guess I’ll have to expand the time frame of music that I am interested.It looks like there is good stuff to be found beyond '65, after all....

@Acman3, regarding AI, since very few people post here, hopefully nobody will mind this crude joke, but there is already so much 'music' made that is not very I. and certainly lot of it is A.So, I guess, not much will be changed there...

I do not know have you posted J.Giufre because you liked his music, or it was because Jim Hall playing with him. Anyway, somewhat interesting small album with J.G. and Modern Jazz Quartet


Art Farmer, featuring Jim Hall 'To sweden with love' album from 1964
Sweden folk songs played in jazz mode



Agnes Buen Garnas featuring Jan Garbarek 'Rosensfole'



Uhrlich Drechsler featuring Tord Gustavsen 'Humans and places'



Could not find this album that I have on ytube, so I will post it this way.
If I would know how, would upload it myself.


here is another good one...’Move your hand’ live from club Harlem 1970.


Paul, everything is ok, thanks for asking, hope you are doing fine as well.
Still very warm in this part of the world, so not yet in the mood for the night serch of lost jazz gems.
I have started to listen music again just few days ago,before it was too hot for tubes in A class (i dont like to listen under a.c.)
Rok, well, than there is another number, very close to the first one, of 2.4 trillion (still not sure how many zero's are there)

Roughly, that would be something little bit more of 16 000 usd per tax payer. ( for those two numbers combined)

Any ideas yet?

(have few more numbers to add)
Roxy, sometimes there is a slightly detour here, but its because this part of forum is not so visited by many...its just enterteinment, dont worry....

Rok, no, those numbers are (according to Brown university data) costs of Us last two 'excursions', not counting the interest payments (since its borrowed money) and cost of future medical care for its participants.

There are more examples, not only from Us, but from European countries as well.
Trying to stay away from politics, just a simple thought,,,if all that money was spent otherwise, I guess we would see less 'issues' than likes of the one that you have posted in that video on the previous page... 
Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers – “First Flight To Tokyo: The Lost 1961 Recordings” (Album Trailer)

Rok, not even when I was much younger, I had no illusions of a sort you mention.
But, regarding the theme of that video, it is no surprise to me at all to see such things happening, especially after all the things western world did or failed to do (not only in this or previous century)
Either the concept of democracy is corrupt or worse, the humankind is.
We are surounded with hypocrisy, ignorance and silence on one side and with sheer greed for power and money on other and I am not optimist about possible changes that might solve any of those things

Maghister, few more trumpet players to enjoy (playing at the same time)

The Trumpet Summit Meets The Oscar Peterson Big Four (1980)


more from the same session (issued on another album)


I dont mind beeing on 'alleged' list....its not a big list in any case...

There are some albums that I have, that I got along the way, that I did not listen more than once. Sometimes, usually in the mornings I listen some of those and I often discover that I like some of them.So, this is one, not the type of music that I post, or listen much, but never the less, its nice, in this time of the day, some of you might like it too...the link should provide the whole album from the same page



The admins changed the way the posts come, but if links will come with the photo attached, I would prefer it more. Acman drove me ’crazy’ with so many post without title. Will try just one to be sure what is going one....



It loks that it works. Than, for me it is obvious.


Paul, re Oscar Peterson with C:Terry, here is one album, where Terry is present too, kind of light, make you feel good music, but nevertheless with strong line up.




If you happen to like Dave Pike, above is one his albums, on more 'serious' note with Bill Evans