Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by alexatpos

Paul, posted these before, perhaps you will find something interesting...

Don Bagley quartet 'Jazz on the rocks' 

with  Phil Woods (alto sax), Eddie Costa (piano), Sal Salvador (guitar), Don Bagley (bass, arrange), Charlie Persip (drums)



Bud Shank 'Blowin Country'



Bud Shank Quartet (Pacific jazz years,edition with first three albums with Claude Willimson)


Acman, nice.
The Espen E. trio sounds similar to Tord Gustavsen (in broad sense), another norwegian player. At first went to check do they share the same label, thought that perhaps its the way of production that makes them souund alike, but its different.
Maybe it has something to do with their musical upbringing?
Frogman, do you care to give some insider comment?
Paul, found this performance of Tord Gustavsen with  'Blue Church Choir“
That would be very nice to hear alive...

I would dare to say, at least from my own personal experience, that jazz music is, for me, a state of mind and in a same time an estetic preference as well as an emotional experience.
I do not necessarily connect it with outside world (for obvious reasons as it almost does not exist in my near surroundings except when I ’play’ it) so I have to keep it and carry it with me almost as an accomplice.
To be able to sing or to play must be very comforting, among many other things...


Paul, god point, nice words.

dont take it to your heart, I believe no harm was intended in Op’s words. Sometimes its just the heat of the moment behind ’harsh’ tones here, but I am sure you are a ’big boy’, stick around


John Coltrane, Blue Train session, Hackensack, NJ, September 15, 1957. A cropped version of this Francis Wolff photograph became the cover for Blue Train, Coltrane’s only Blue Note album and his first recorded masterpiece. Pulling back to view the full image, Blue Note founder and producer Alfred Lion is seen behind Coltrane.

 'For years, many jazz fans, especially those that had once played saxophone, thought the Coltrane was moistening a reed in his mouth as saxophonists were wont to do before putting the reed on their mouthpiece. When we developed the full image, it became evident that John Coltrane at that moment in the Blue Train session was deep in thought and sucking on a lollipop!" - Michael Cuscuna

Illinois Jacquet, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Ray Brown with friends, Bop City nightclub in New York, 1947

Paris Blues Call and Responce with Louis Armstrong, Paul Newman and Sidney Poitier
Likewise, not much posts about Eddie Harris

’Mean greens’ from 1966.

I like the trumpet player here, Ray Codrington, does anybody cares to mention some good albums where he plays?


Acman, thanks, just listening. That and theirs other album is on sale here


Frogman, thank you too, I am aware od that Harris album, infact it can be bought as double edition with an album I posted.
Will search for that Willis album as well.

Certain people, for reasons that are eluding me, have a burning wish to sing...and not only under the shower....


I know two of them (the character from Woody Allen movie clip posted above not counted) ...one is well knonw comic strip figure and the other...no need to say it....


Frogman, my grandmother’s name was also Marija...and its my aunts middle name too....its a common name in these parts...or better, it was....now the children have more ’modern’ names....

Schubert and Keegiam, the Schonefeld airport in Berlin is not really distant.Very much european traffic went that way anyhow. Now it will become the part of the larger, new, airport (the work on it was late and the budget overstreched, which is strange for germans) Flew many, many times there, but only once from Tegel and than to the States

Forum West - Modern Jazz From West Germany 1962-1968
Frogman, thanks, that was informative as always. I was just hoping to read few lines about Kellys way of playing, since we started the conversation with him.

Never played any instrument, except Hohner melodica in elementary school. In fact I cant even sing, I guess I have not ear. Is that the correct frase? (which is strange, as I can recognise almost any players sound, from albums that I got, wihout looking) but to follow melody, singing, no chance. I can only whistle,ha,ha
On the other hand,its maybe better that way...If I could really 'hear' and play some instrument very good, I would be in temptation to do it very, very often....probably would end up as a street musician,ha

Schubert, nevermind, Kelly’s interpretation was handy because I was just speaking about him.
Of course, that does not mean that you are not a tough customer.

How about this version? Yenne Lee


Frogman, of course, got that one, as well as 'live at seattle' that was issued not long ago, with Kelly and Montgomery, we mentioned it here as well.
But, I prefer sound of Burrell and even Grant Green's more than Montgomery's, aldo have many of his recordings as well.

Here is one for Schubert...


But, Kelly, for me he has got 'that something', in the way he sometimes plays single note, he gives accent on it, instantly recognisable. 

Frogman, I dont know can I describe with accuracy what exactly do I mean/hear, but perhaps you could explain it better, how piano players (Kelly in this case) get their tone so distinctive?

Listen to these couple of first notes....I do not think that I ve heard anybody plays them like he does...

Op, I am certainly not a musician and those two albums I find great.
When he got the space, like Skeeter’s Best playing, pity that he did not recorded any album as a leader (as far as I know)
The rest of the bunch...what can I say that is already not been said before?

Op, maybe you will like this one too, this album has similar 'feeling' to me...


Frogman, sorry, due to the time difference, I was in bed already...

Re Yenne...Funny, while I was listening and posting I remember thinking 'is this really jazz' because the way she played it.....and yes. with your words, when looking to her again, I would agree....

Re Kessel, for me, he played it kind of ’too hard’ (is it my expectation that prevents me in hearing it in another context, I could not say) but I prefer version of Joe Pass more, of all posted here.

Two different versions by Art Pepper



Here is one with Chet and Paul Desmond...not my favourite, they are ’too busy’ to me....


Schubert, ’hands’ of a piano player...

Trent, no problem for me, I do not use pc audio, but have enough time to check the titles somebody posts. Ytube is handy because you can listen to the while reading actual thread.

Op, I am joking, of course.(re Gom)
By the way, thanks, that is a nice compliment for a white boy from other continent.
Like I said, I just dig in true sence of the word ( I have large book as well) and when I hear somebody that I like I go after his recordings as a leader and sideman. Its time consuming sometimes, but I guess we all have lots of spare time now....and who knows, maybe in my past life I lived somewhere else,ha,ha

Op, here is one you might like

Jimmy Forrest ’Black forrest’ with G.Green


whole album


edit.Rok, Than what do you think when you listen Acman's posts? He has the most eclectic taste. I always thought that mine posts are very straight forward jazz...

Rok, maybe we should try (at least on sidelines) to define what exactly makes us like some music?

The guy on the other thread (Maghister, I believe, the one that likes Bakre/Evans) tryed to write something about it. 
Maybe we should ask him to drop by and say hello?

Here is few number just for you Hope you did not hear them before

Roy Brooks 'The free slave'


Bobby Bryant 'Aint doing to bad' from 1967.


Frogman, I posted a whole album, not sure how you guys see it? Just a first song or complete?
Edit:posted few more songs that I could find

But, have another question for you, regarding modern vs old music?
Does anybody compose ’classical’ music today,for exmp. in 18th centuty idiom?
Or in any other, from the past?
Is there a significant difference in orchestral or small ensemble compositions betwwen music from the past and today?

I am asking, because of discussions that are happening here regarding new and old jazz.
The sam type could be led about any popular music or form from last century.
Why are people so sensitive about jazz?
Trentmemphis, I would say that folks here mostly do not use stream services , so dont be shy with ytube.

Here is an album recorded in 1953. probably few years before Getz or even Byrd made certain music more popular

Laurindo Almeida and Bud Shank ’Brazilliance’ (vol 1)






Rok, the guy on the other thread (re Baker, Evans) was very ’poetic’ in his interpretation what he likes best. He was not offensive. Why antagonise? Better to post some other albums or players that are also playing beutiful music that he is perhaps unaware off.

One of reasons that I post here (and forgive me for beeing pretentious) is to ’save’ some long forgotten music or players of complete oblivion.

It is ungreatful task, I know, since my ’audience’ are mostly grumpy old men, but somebody got to do it. Also I rely little on silent majority of people who are just ’peeking’...if somebody hears and later listens something that is posted here, its great, even if I may not be aware of that

’This very obscure set by the Don Cunningham Quartet (drummer) was originally sold only at the St. Louis Playboy Club at the time of its release in 1965 and only 500 copies of the original Lp were made. The four players are obscure but music is interesting’

’Something for everyone’ from 1965.





Frogman, of course, thanks for ’classic’ explanations. I was hoping that maybe others will join, but perhaps its quiter on thread without such discussions .
Orpheus, you are welcome, pleasure is all mine (when I find some of this 'lost' albums or playes)
I wonder if they come up on roon too (joking)

...and, its very nice when you add some story details to music, the 'picture' becomes more complete

Here is another less mentioned player. The title of album seams  appropriate.

Kenny Drew 'Home is where soul is' from 1979.




@mahgister , welcome back, here is one or two nordic albums for you...Jan Johansson




@curiousjim here is one Red Garland album that I posted before, should not be overlooked., The line up is stellar, they only made one record together




Keegiam, you are welcome, but we’ll have to wait to see what our resident bleues expert (Rok) have to say about it...live clip with Brown certainly sounded like one(blues)to me...

Orpheus, I would not agree that blues must be presented with vocal, to be called ’the blues’...I’ve would say that ’feeling’ behind it is more important...

Dizzy, Terry, Hubbard, with Peterson and Pass, from later years...
album The Trumpet Summit Meets The Oscar Peterson Big Four 1980


Kenny Burrell ’Blues the common ground’ album from 1967. Not like his usual settings...




edit; Frogman and Rok, you should try something with Van Halen (re resident jazz queen) you might be surprised...

Listening the Hooker, I could not resist...I like this album John Lee and Earl Hooker
  If you miss 'im...i got 'im" (1969)


Orpheus, I can only answer with a phrase 'blues is everywhere' ha,ha...
Here is another guitar player that you might like, different style, different period, but still, somebody that I would like to hear performing in some small and packed club.

Mel Brown 'Chicken Fat' from 1967.




Just lately I came across this album from Nathan Davis, another player that was quite unknown to me ( believe also to 'wider audience' as well)

'Peace Treaty' from 1965. Nathan Davis sextet




Same thought cross my mind few weeks ago (and I have many of his albums) when I bought the ’House party’ album

Here is one album that Jimmy Smith rerorded with Grant Green (the only one, as far as I know)

’I ’m Movin on’




"If you try all different styles that are in vogue, I think you con yourself. Me, I just stick by my guns; I don't want to play out of another man's bag." - Ben Webster

"I like to play in the deep register. I was never a high-note specialist. My range goes from the bottom of the horn up to around C or D. High D is about it for me ... about two-and-a-half octaves, I think. But in these two-and-a-half octaves, I can say everything I have to say." - Chet Baker

Thelonious Monk, Howard McGhee, Roy Eldridge and Teddy Hill in front of Minton’s Playhouse in New York City September 1947. (Photo by William Gottlieb)
Will start the new year with a post of another fine, but now quite obscured player of the bop era,whose album I’ve just managed to get. Its been said that his career has been cut short due to personal issues.


Dodo Marmarosa ’Dodo’s back’ from 1961.





Other than that, I have one other his album, with Gene Ammons


Happy New Year and all the best to you all
Possibly the angriest band in the world at The Open Door, Greenwich Village (1953) - Charles Mingus (double bass), Thelonious Monk (piano), Roy Haynes (drums) and Charlie Parker (alto saxophone)

Orpheus, glad you like it. Except for that other album with Gene Ammons that I have posted,I am not sure how is the sound quality of the others and there are not many of his albums as a leader, anyway.He seemed to be gifted but tormented soul, as many
Thank you, guys.Again, very sweet. If you ever decide to breathe summer air near the sea, just let me know...


Keegiam, here we use a sort of funny expression, that translated goes like this: 'After I caught myself in a lie, I learned not to trust anyone'...
Not meaning to go in a long rant, but looking at the state of public affairs, in my country, it is painfully obvius when there is corruption 'on top, that transcends all the way to the 'bottom' of all society, meaning, that in everyday life one has to be careful with dealing (in business and other affairs) with others, as everyone is looking for an 'angle' that will benefit him at the expanse of others. It is sad but more depressing is the fact that after a while you are not even surprised when you hear or read about different 'mishaps' that are occuring on daily basis. The result is that everyone are more or less ready to 'beat' the system and constant and ever present mistrust in any of official institutions...and ever present need to 'know a man' (even in a case 'just to be sure') in dealings that are requiring some sort of public services that are more or less obtainable.
 Its been said, that the revolution is opium for the intellectuals, but I would not object one, even on the smaller scale
