Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by alexatpos

Earl Hines, Coleman Hawkins - Live in New York 1965 


Unique recordings of Jimmy Smith, Illinois Jacquet and James Moody on tenor saxophone and Art Farmer on flugelhorn, Kenny Burrell on guitar, Clark Terry on bugel and Roy Haynes on drums.   the Cannonball Adderley Quintet featuring George Duke, Dave Brubeck & his Trio with Gerry Mulligan and Paul Desmond,and the Charles Mingus Sextet featuring Cat Anderson at the 7th Newport Jazz Festival at the Doelen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1971. ...IN COLOR!


Paul, if you dont have it already, check the Sonny Clark's album 'Standards', recorded on Blue Note from 1958.


also, complete recordings with Grant Green is a nice album as well

Acman, thanks, glad you like it.
 I have very few jazz albums from 70's, always thought that 'best' time for jazz has been already passed by then, but in fact all those guys are still quite strong. I cant imagine how they felt in those times, probably like they are in paralele universe.

 I am curious, have anybody of you guys 'witnessed' the moment when jazz has 'lost' the contact with wider audience or it was gradual thing?
Or there was never 'wider' audience? 
Third time posting.
Paul Desmond intervews Charlie Parker


He does not seems to be an individulal close in his own universum of ideas and closed for other influences

Frogman, my last question was for Rok, or Op.
I am curious to understand why they think that Wynton is ’bending’ the truth.

Also, I do not beleive that anybody would consider jazz to be less significant because its creators have been influenced or exposed to other styles of music which they incorporated to that new sound.

Why is that even an issue?
Speaking about collections, I bet Rok got bigger and better one than these two guys...


...and, Mary, please, no need to get all serious about it. He is a funny guy. He is, really and I mean it without any irony....

'Politics' aside, I have another question, regarding ongoing discussion.

We are all aware that 'jazz' is very diverse and very broad term as well.
So, we have all these different styles and I guess that we can all agree that at some point there were influnces from one to another, no matter in which type or form.

In documentary Wynton talks about history of music and jazz and he says 'this led to that' and so on ('there was swing, than came the bop', etc)

So, if we follow that line, it looks quite logical, even the musical examples are making sense, it seems that really some styles are developed from the previous ones, or on the base of it.

So, my question is this. At which point do you think that jazz, as music form was created, pure and free from any possible previous influences?

What would be the best example of such music, meaning, how did it sound? 
If you had to name it or describe it, what style it was?
Pryso. saw few posts deleted where Schubert and Rok traded jabs.
Posted 'social distance in a bar fight after'...
As Rok said, perhaps the writers got sober..but, than again, we know that Schubert is not drinking, so unless there is some twist there, my guess is that moderators did it, but the criteria is still unclear sometimes...



I think that lyrics for Round midnight are very well suited. That, together with Angel Eyes would be my all time favourits, for certain mood.

Today found and ordered few albums that I had on ’pick’ for some time.

Oscar Petitford’s ’Manhattan jazz septete’ from 1957.

Barry Galbraith’s ’Guitar and the wind’ from 1958.

Hal McKusick quartet (again Galbraith on guitar, four albums on this edition)

Sometimes when I 'entertain' (jazz music is not considered as entertaiment for the most) the guests who visit me I ve noticed that if I first play them the vocal version of some standard, they become much more aware of that same song which is later played as instrumental version only.

When movie 'Casablanca' was made, they filmed few alternative endings.
Should that fact change our opinions about the 'worth' of that film?
Personally, I dont think so, either you like it or not...

Just to add one good album.
Thelonious Monk Quartet plus two at the Blackhawk from 1960.
They play  'Round Midnight' version too


one more version of that standard on which I do not think about the words, as usual, the tempo and the feeling of this version is very different

Ray Brayant quintet, from 'Lonesome traveler' album
I was not assure which version of lyrics Orpehus do not like, the Monk's 'original', or later one, that is now considered as 'official'.

I find the lyrics quite suited for the melody, in fact the verses 'its really gets bad after midnight', or 'memories always start 'round midnight' are the ones that i like the most, for me it describes the mood of the song perfectly, easily one of two of my favourite standards (Angel eyes would be the second, I guess)

one of my favourite versions
Chet Baker, from 'As times go by' album

As for 'Angel eyes', the choice is wide.
Sinatra comes to mind, of course, from 'live at the Sands'

Chet, from above mentioned album too

Tommy Flanagan from ' Lady Be Good .....for Ella'

again, Ray Bryant, for Op

I am lucky that is lunch time now here, not an evening time...

It is interesting how the same song causes different associations, but I guess I could never separate the lyrics from the melody, in RM.

If I had to choose the song for wandering the city streets at night, this might be the one...

Kenny Burrell's 'Asphalts Canyons Blues'

..but also his version of Round Midnight...

...or perhaps an album that had that tone in mind?
Gerry Mulligan's 'Night Lights'

By the way, where is Acman?

Whatever you choose to call it (vocal or instrumental), or to like it better or not, it does not matter, because it is excepted in existing form.

Again, I find the words quite suiting, but its just my hubmle opinion.

Frogman, we all have our ways of expression.
Op is sometimes passionate, but its not something new, its his core belifs that he is speaking about.
Personally, I always tend to focus more on ’what the poet ment to say’, rather than on how he said it.
You, on the other hand,should certainly possess the wider perspective since your education and work had gave you the possibility to learn, practice and understand music on scale which is unknown for us,the simple ’aficionados’.
But, as they say, with knowledge comes the responsibility and in this case that (imho) sometimes means excepting the role of enlightener,
which often was and is very ungreateful task.
But, for whatever reasons, you have took it some time ago.
So, I fully understand your reactions, hope that you will be patient and that you will endure doing what you have done for some time, educating us all and trying to show us bigger perspective.
Of course, you should not count on us beeing overly grateful for that (jk)
Simply said,if for nothing else, than for the sake of the knowledge itself, you are not ’allowed’ to respond in a way that you feel that you are adressed, but to always try to speak with arguments first.
It is an interesting subject and if we all keep it civil enough, we all might learn something
Frogman, just to make things clear, I do not think that the ’case’ is closed,not from any point of view, just said that I would not dismiss Op’s words as such.

As I said, Woody Allen made a movie about that subject and I tend to agree with his point, that I shared in a clip.
Take a look at it (the movie) and the clip

Creative genius...it is definitely the matter of perception and of ones standards, I guess, but I would not recejt Op's words like as they are nonsense.
With todays sea of information its possible that is harder for such content to become more known or influential, but one cant argue that in past were more prominent and obvious examples in different forms of art, or music in this case...
Even here, aldo we are kind of split between the ones who like older stuff more, there is enough room for anyone to post better or equally interesting music of today or of more recent past and aldo such music is shared and displayed, still I ve got the feeling that it has not got the 'power' as 'older' artists had.
Maybe with time we shall be able to see it better....

Woody Allen pictured that thought very well in 'Midnight in Paris'
here is the scene...
Orpheus, here is interesting link that I have posted before recently. in case you missed it.

It is an interview with Charlie Parker (by Paul Desmond)

Interesting to hear their voices and aslo Patker’s opinion about practicing and studyng music (re your discussions with Frogman abou it)

Acman, in case I have not said it before, your taste is very eclectic, usually I ’hate’ when people do not write the name of artist with the clip, but for the many that you post I did not hear before anyhow

For some other parts of conversation, well...Monthy Python said it best...


Rok, honestly, never thought that there will come the  day when I would say that you are the voice of the reason.
For ceratin, these are very unusual times indeed

Reading back and feeling like you guys had a party that I missed....
Nice music

One from Roger Kellaway (he plays piano in last Acman's post)

and couple of tunes from 'Body and Soul' album of Zoot Simms (with Al Cohn)

If Stalin was alive today, perhaps his bussines model would look just like this one?
Or is this just a pure propaganda?

Very insightful documentary clip from a Oscar winning director

Op, nice music, Fats Navarro.
 Have nothing of him (admit)  will look into it
Also, more than once I posted few Randy Weston's albums. Shame on us both than.
By the way, was on his concert (R.W) twenty years ago, in my hometown

Acman, liked that Dollar Brand trio posts, also will try to find that album, thanks.

As for Christmas atmosphere and winter, last couple of years I have swam in the sea all the way until that date but last year I have continued to do it all year along, have not skipped any month. (only in swimming shorts, but on sunny weather...as there is always few days like that)

So, why nnot some Bossa Nova, still?
Rok, you have mentioned Hawk's album, where he plays with Burrell.
Here are few others, again some with Burrell

Charlie Rouse

Dave Pike

Zoot Sims

Cannonball Aderley

Paul Desmond

Duke Ellington

I have few albums with Kellaway, these ones as leader I believe I have posted before
He recorded many different albums, but he is not mentioned much.
Any particular reason (does he goes under 'Frogman's theorem' ?)

Roger Kellaway trio from 1965. could not find more clips of that album


R.K. Jazz portrait  from 1963.


John Lee Hooker feat. Van Morrison - Never Get Out of These Blues Alive

John Lee Hooker- I Wanna Be Your Puppy

Lightnin' Hopkins - It's A Sin To Be Rich, It's A Low-Down Shame To Be Poor
Mary Joe, funny, always thought that Van Halen is your favourite player.

Rok, all said about welfare is true, but...I, mean,really  big but....

Here is the link from Guardian....about US bank bailout that costed....much


In fact, if I do not know better, after reading this, I would say that you live in 'sociailism' because its only there possible that an individual losses so much money without  responsability and that later his debts are paid by public.

As for other things ('fighting, etc) you said, you should try to visit Europe again, you might be surprised to find out that public opinion about old adversaries has changed and very much so during last 15 years, due to role of Us foreign policy

By all means, its kind of pointless to argue about history from a simple point of personal opinion, let alone on jazz forum.
Than again, we have these subjects mentioned every now and than but its never quite clear to me what is the purpose of it and what exactly we should discuss about.
Op is concerned about decline of middle class and rule of economic oligarchy that effects us all, Rok is usually just beeing Rok and now the others are starting to share their belifs, which is a great way to poison the thread by some bad emotions.
I really think that we should not follow that path, or perhaps, we should open new ’political’ sub thread, but away from jazz.
I dont mind at all when somebody shares his memories even if not in context of music, but if such thoughts are going to open bitter responds, one should know better not do do it, at least here.
Life is too short and there are very few people here already, it would be shame if we destroy such a fragile coexistence between very different people and peronalitys.
Mojih pet para na tu temu....

Paul and Orpheus, this might be the interesting book for you...despite some controverial thoughts I think that our objective reality confirms it...
Paul, I ve got that Previn album.
 By the way, the things you write are common knowledge, but Rok is still in the trenches, nothing will change that.
Rok, not so long ago, there was a referendum in Switzerland, in which they had to decide if all the citizens will get the basic income from the state,cant remeber the amount, but it was enough to cover the cost of rent and bills.
They (people) declined that notion.
So, I guess, I could understand your thoughts about welfare.
But, I wonder why dont you mention other things that could be done with wealth that your county has, such as free education and health care for everybody?

Shelly Manne at the Blackhawk are issued on 5 albums, not sure if that all is on that box set.

Also, there are two albums with Shelly Manne at his men (different line up) at the Manne Hole that I can recommend also, here are few links


Few more albums from artist that played on those two mentioned sessions

Joe Gordon ’Looking good’ album (played trumpet on SM at the Blackhawk)


Richie Kamuca quartet (sax on SM at the Blackhawk)

Victor Feldman ’Merry olde soul’ album (piano at the BH)

Conte Candoli Quartet (trumpet on SM at the Manne Hole)

Orpheus, somehow I cant split a soundtrack from a movie. If its a good film, I will certainly notice the music, but I cant remeber any soundtrack from a movie that I did not like

Can someone please explain me why there are so many deleted posts?
I think 5 only on this page?
I have not read it all, but I remeber one (I think Schuberts') where all he said was something about comparation, applees and oranges.
I dont understand, is it deleted by members, or by admins?
I am starting to doubt my english and my intelligence too. Am I missing something offensive or political in these posts or perhaps you guys speak in some code language ?
Or perhaps, the messages simpy vanish after reading, like in spy movies?

Even as a very young kid, I liked them very much...
Golden Gate Quartet, live from Berlin, rare film


...apperently, there is a tape where Elvis sings with them...that would be great to hear...
Well, this jazz album is so smooth, I find it very cool.....

Personnel: Harry Edison (trumpet), Stan Getz (tenor sax), Gerry Mulligan (baritone sax), Oscar Peterson (piano), Herb Ellis (guitar), Ray Brown (bass), Louis Bellson (drums)


Paul, I like Green very much, but if I had to choose favourite guitar player, I guess it would be Burrell.

Op, regarding sound quality, it depends very much on the way it was uploaded to ytube.
Of course that you can hear the difference, (on web) but that does not mean that actual recordings will sound that good (or bad)
Often, the new recordirings are more compressed than the ones made long time before.
I try to buy 'original' issues as well, but truth to be told, since all jazz is recorded long time ago, there is a limit to all that recordings.
Usually, when some album is published on some other label than original, its not even remasterd, its just a copy of an old edition.
You might just as well try that edition that Paul recommended, if its not good, you are safe, he promised to return you the money...
The Shelly Manne set is published on OJC label, few times I bought albums that were just plain copies (recorded on cdrw disc) with poor stickers and cheap copy of artwork, so no guarantee there either.
Its hard to beat so many heavy weights at one place.

Sometimes, usaually at very late hours I listen to this guy...pity he did not had a chance to record more....

Eddie Costa



Pryso, as I have said, I have no idea. Every time when I open the forum, there seems to be some new deleted post.

We should ask our man in Havana to check it for us


Schubert, the most important thing is that the boy seems to be ok... 
After those clips....its hard to say anything,ha,ha....
Or better, perhaps,no problem, (just) get me to the flight....

...for Denmark?

Duke Pearson


...'No problem'...same first tune....
Duke Pearson and Chet Baker
Its a tricky question, in sense that could us get arguing about subjects that are not related to music....

But, on the other hand, I will add something to Frogmans words that relates to his post and its far more 'lighter' than the one I would otherwise do, after all, no need to spoil the party. Btw, nice clip and nice movie...


When I was child we would visit relatives that lived in the country (we live by the sea), sometimes with train and very often during winter holidays.
First, the snow is always great sensation for kids that are not used to it and coming into snow covered parts of the country was always exciting and sort of romantic.
Remeber looking at the mountins and small villages that had no street lights, with so many snow covering everything that only the yellow light shined thru windovs.

’Lonesome traveller’ Ray Bryant

Edward Hopper ’compartment c’

Edward Hopper ’railroad sunset’

S.Leone 'once upon time in the west'

Merry Christmas to all
Charles Brown...

Orpheus, those paintings are made by E.Hopper.This is his probably most ’famous’ one, or at least most ’used’ painting.Now, take a look at it and tell me that you dont hear the music in the background?What song it would be?

No, you should not quote him, or anyone else, for that matter, you should of course write your own experiences...about personal expressions thru making movies....looking forward to read all about it....(smile)

Why thank me? You obviously did not watched it, or at least you did not before you wrote your last post,ha,ha....

Paul, I posted this one long time ago...

'After hours' Thad Jones(with wess, burrell, waldron,. chambers, taylor)
Conversation with Andrei Tarkovski, movie director.

Funny, you can hear some exact same words as Frogman says (about film/music not beeing created in vacuum and about influences of one artist on another) or about finding his personal expression

If you have time,very  interesting to hear, a great artist perspective...starts around 3rd.min...)


Regarding H.H.maybe its master piece....but in a specific genre? What truly defines something as master piece? Time?

This is a post from an old subject, from another thread, but it gut my attention, I believe it deserves the second look.
If anybody of you guys have 3 mil usd to spend, this might be a good way to contribute with some legacy for future generations

Speaking about music collections...

Just bought couple of albums, cant remember that we have mentioned it.
Maybe somebody will like it too.

Frank Foster 'Fearless' from 1965.
I like the trumpet player on this album, Virgil Jones, never heard him before



Buddy de Franco 'Blues bag'
