Schubert, there are many private health practicies where you can get all the services that you need (to be honest, also much faster than from the oners sponsored by state)
Again, prices in comparation to the ones from the west (or better from the US) are not even 'in comparation' (much, much cheaper) The general quality of those medical services is up to western standards
As for the major interventions, I know that foreigners are not charged for any interventions that occurs as a result of an accident (car crashes, etc) and the taking care of such people is not delayed because they are foreigners.
For continues medical treatments (for some chronical illnes) I could check and let you know.
As for religious needs, I am not an expert there, but just checked the web, here is what I found about the churches you asked for (in Zagreb)
There is an evangelistic lutheran church, baptist church and anglican church, with mass on english language, held 2 every second Sunday.
Of course among all others as well.
Let us know if you have any other questions (you can write me or Mary Jo on pm if you wish)
It is all, as always, matter of perspective (speaking about rock genre) Is it a music? Is it a 'good music' ? I guess that largly depends on what somebody describes as 'music'... Of course, there is no crime in liking something that perhaps lack certain quality.
What is the relation between music and ethics? “Can music have a positive or negative role in our disposition toward, or performance of, right and wrong acts, duties, virtues? Can it make a difference to us morally? Can musical experience make us better off or worse off from a moral point of view?” “[I]n what sense is music ‘moral’? Does music have an influence on character? Is there a connection between one’s aesthetic preferences and one’s capacity for moral virtue?”
A song for you, Mary V.Halen... |
You see, Schubert, thats exactly what I am talking would not need to read about those guys (its an ugly stuff) if there were more (any, in fact) jazz clubs... |
If I could, I would change the cathedral for a good jazz fact, I am quite sure that we have too much cathedrals and not enough jazz clubs... |
Rok, W.Gordon, New Orleans, very colorful Acman, liked the Snidero-Pelt fact, thats second one of Pelt in a short time (first was posted by Paul few days ago) Will pay atention at the kid.... Very interesting, Paul Desmond interviews Charlie Parker In sound and in writing...
I guess this is the best time of the day for the ’Funk in the evening’.... Curtis Amy on ’Tippin on through’ (live at the lighthouse) album from 1962. have few of his albums, like them all, will post another one, just in case somebody likes him too, or finds him to be 'souful'... ’Groovin Blue’ from 1961. |
Apparently, its considerd rude, in Finland, to start first talking, when in company and there is story that pictures that well, where one neighbour visits the oher who lives in a house next to his. After knocking on the door gets invited in, where he sat with the host for a couple of minuts in silence and than,when asked what is the purpose of his visit, he said that his house is on fire and that he would need some help to put the fire down... |
There are many similar clips, from airports and shopping malls, with professinall player disguised as ordinary folks, playing piano, but the next clip is kind of funny, because its Billy Gibbons playing on the street corner in Finland and nobody seems to pay any atention... |
T.E.P. I ve got that album on cd, its a good one, however, you must decide is it worth it to you. Here is the link with the album,perhaps it might help.... |
Just in case somebody overlooked it, Chet Baker and Paul Bley, album 'Diane' from 1985. Its a really beautiful one |
Funny, but true, on subject (not jazz) part is even better from different perspective and part of the world, we have very restrictive laws about guns. Also, it is safe, for people and children to go anywhere at any hour, during day or night, despite the fact that average income is low (compared to other EU countries) and there are lots of people who struggle. Maybe its a kind of cultural or traditional thing, but blunt robbery of another person is considered to be a shamefull thing. Of course, that in normal, every day relationships, business or private, there are scams, like everywhere, but 'resolving' such issues rarely involves use of weapons. Not long time ago, we had mandatory army service that lasted around one year and every male person had some sort of military training. We had a quite savage war 25 years ago raging all over the country and wider for 5 years and losts of people still do have illegal arms, including bombs, anti tank missiles, land mines, heavy machine guns and so on, but there is no much use of it during crimes and we do not have much heavy crime at all. Perhaps becuse the biggest criminals are the ones in suits and the biggest robberies are done in silence and even the strees thugs know where the real money is. If you want the piece of action and best loot, you should join some political party or better,government body at any level.
Education ,including university is still free and health care as well, for all the people (with or without job, retired, etc (despite some problems that such system creates)
I would not know, is it true or not, but somebody said...,than again, I had a girlfriend who would come to my place and used to say, ’play me something, as long is not jazz or sad music’... |
Just booked tickets for the Avishai Cohen trio concert next Tuesday in Dubrovnik. Some of my friends are great fans of his work, but I havent spend my much time listenig his music. Still, curious to see him alive, should be good opportunity to hear and perhaps like something new.Any thoughts about his work? Here is the link from his show, from last year... |
Yes, its a bass player. Glad that you guys heard something new. Will go in a couple of hours,concert is later tonight, need to drive cca 150 miles to get there, it beter be good,ha,ha. Will try to film and maybe post small clip later |
Paul and Nsp,here is a Garlands album that you should listen to (if not), I posted it before, but never mind. It was session that was not repeated, which is pity, when yo hear the result. Frogman spoke about the reasons such things occure (or better, not) Red’s Good Groove, quintet, with Blue Mitchell and Pepper Adams, from 1962. I catch little more time, will share few words about that A.Cohen concert... |
Cohen concert....
I can speak only about my feelings and thoughts while listening to him and his music and while doing so, I remebered some of discussions that were written on these pages as well.
Its Frogman that often spoke about 'leaving yor comfort zone' when we had themes and arguings here about 'old' vs 'new' jazz...
So, when I heard that concert I often thought how his music does not sond like anything I am used to listen. Yes, its a trio and yes, they play tight, very controlled, almost immaculate,with great skill, nothing can be said there.Even their improvisations seemed to be very much rehersaled before, there is not a hint to any hesitation in execution.
The music that they play does not reach to blues or soul idiom, it is of different origin as well as his phrasing.
However, all that got me thinking about that (mine) 'comfort zone'. Or better, can we define why we like something or not? We can certainly define what we like and decribe it, but why, it just might be little harder.
I am afraid I will blush, after reading last few pages. Orpheus and Nsp, thanks for the interest, but I must say that I do not feel that my collection is really that special. Ok, maybe I dag out some more unknown guys, but in general you guys got it all covered as well. Orpheus, I am glad that you are back, since you was absent, I felt that my taste is even more archaic than it is....maybe you like my posts because the music suits your better than some other here, but sometimes I am kind of worry that I am stuck in one time period more than I should,ha....tell Rok to join again too, the more the merrier... Nsp, just to answer to you, I am not very much inclined to all present internet technology (I do not even own the smartphone) do not care about pc audio, streamers, etc. So, majority of music I obtained old fashioned way, anywhere I would travel, I would spend time searching for record shops and browsing the new and used stuff I could find. Of course, in recent years, the records shops are becoming the things of the past, so I switch to the ytube, like everybody, I guess, but I've got the big help via all music jazz encyclopedia
Mostly during winter nights, I read it and when somebody's life or music story seems interesting I try to find and hear some of his music and than order it via amazon. By the way, I am 46 years old, but I will admit only 30 and something if somebody asks....what about you, guys? Curtis Fuller 'South american cookin' from 1961. it suits warm summer nights... |
More Pearson..., on another note, as Frogman would say.....This type of 'sound' its just got something that I can hear in some modern jazz....If I would call it emotion, would that be a cliche? is it just because of my'settings' or do you think the same? |
Regarding sadness and Chet...for me, his music is never sad, just beautiful The same I could say about some other artists too... .Edward Hopper, for example, his paintings never make me feel unconfortable, or lonely, or alienated...just enjoyed the beauty of it.... p.s. Orpheus, I agree, but dont tell anyone,ha,ha |
Pjw, I guess I could say that I was a fan of ’guitar heroes’ as well,in my youth,but somehow later came to a conclusion that I prefer ’jazz sensibility’ (in lack of better expression) much more. It would be interesting to know (maybe somebody does, or can dig some article on subject) what the jazz guitarist thought of their counteraparts who played rock or blues rock music. After all, even with decline of popularity of jazz, probably helped by spreading of rock I cant remeber any ’serious’ jazz guitar player who made transition to ’other side’, no matter how they struggld to find work....and also, do not know of any good jazz album played by rock or blues guitarist? I am not making any conclusions about ’value’ of any music type, just ’thinking out loud’... Could they play it in a way that would put rock audience on fire? Frogman can answer that, but as far as I am concerned, I cant understand how is possible that this music was put aside by general audience, not to take any credit from guys like Hendrix, or Allman, Buchanan,Gallagher or any other....I can understand the raw energy, but still...its a mistery to me.... would be curious to check Jimmy Page's record colllection... |
Rok, for obvious reasons often I do not take you very serious, in fact, as younger population would say, I find that some of your posts are quite 'sick', in a funny way. Than,I've read the last one, about 'war' and it left me perplexed, to say at least. I do not believe that calling that statement childlish or cynical would change your 'opinion' and certainly this is not the place for such exchange of words. I can only guess that you probably have not seen much of war from first hand, otherwise you might have very diferent opinion. Again, do not want to sound too pathetic, but people who live in these parts of the world had an 'opportunity' to witness it, some more, some less, and I can assure you, it does not look like in the movies at all.... warning, next link is qiute of many, ugly, faces of war.... |
Rok, I agree, as I said, you seem to be a funny guy, looking from distance.
Next quatation is not a try to continue 'discussion' with you, it is for Frogman. It seems to me that you have forgot to quote the lines that started all (at least in my case)
'I have nothing against war. Some of humanity's finest hours happened during war. And sometimes war is the only solution to the problem. And don't forget the major advances in social situations, science and medicine that happen during war.
Also, the climate / environment is in crisis. The greatest cause from humans, is over population. There are too many people on this planet. War helps with that also.'
Now, on some blunt level, some of that might even be true, but I would not call it as something that should be accebtable to ones that consider themself to be human. Some lines should never be crossed
Paul, dont worry, there is no need to be oversensitive when we mention some recent history (of these parts)
Ethnic cleansing that you mentioned happened mostly in Bosnia and on smaller scale in some parts of Croatia, but never really anyhere on Adriatic coast where I live.
Than again, I dont think that anybody in particular is interested for that story either, so no need to go in depth of explanations who hated who and why (that goes to Mary Jo) My point was simple, you just cant 'praise' the war. (maybe some revolution from time to time, at max) unless you are either sociopath or you have some financial benefit from it, which is cynical point of view and again should not be stated openly, if you consider yourself a gentleman. Now, personally I can tell you that my town saw very little fighting, at the begining of conflict, but some other parts of country were struck badly.Lots of people went to war, in one way or another (it was not a classic 'all in' conflict) some made it back unscaved, but also some of the guys from my elementary school and some oher that I knew, never returned home. Also, because war is quite turbulent time in many ways, streets were floaded with heroin and many more died of that as well. I guess that techno music kind of changed that trend, so there is something positive about that 'sound', after all. I guess I could tell you many stories about those times and aldo they may be dark, I bet you would laugh to hear some of them. As for Frogmans story, not only the people who got bombed suffer. Here, some 3000 war weterans commited suicide since the end of war. That is massive number and the damage that war creates to society in general cant be even calculated, like perhaps the damage in economy. So,aldo its hard for individual to fight against the system, or even to ask from somebody to feel sorry about some people somewhere in the middle east for examp, but at least dont tell me that is good to bring home your own dead and wounded, just for sake of somebody elses profit, because, obviously, those trillion of dollars spend on arms would better serve people who need jobs, education, healthcare or plain infrastracture... |
Frogman,thanks for the answer,its good to know. I guess I learned something about your way of thinking as well. Certainly I would agree that is better to stop now (before would be even better,ha,ha)
Frogman,to me Kaz seems to be very much in command of his instrument and his choice of music and its execution on this album (and on year 1960) sounds thougtfull,but playfull,with 'twists and turns' that are interesting to follow which may not be the case for lots of music of that era,if talking about the one with soul or blues foundation. It reminds me on Eddie DeCosta,as hee seemmed to play somewhat untipical music too. |
I like Eddie Higgins as well, have few albums,here are some some links of them... 'Soulero' a note... On that album bass is played by Richard Evans, I've got one his album as well...'Richard's Almanac', piano is played by Jack Wilson Higgins, 'By request', with Milt Hinton and Bobby Rosengarden 'Time on my hands' album other pianists and albums that I ve got and we have not mentioned, lately, at least... Bobby Henderson 'Handful of keys' Katz 'Eastern Exposure' Kellaway 'Trio' (I find him more Evans a like than Higgins) Could not find more clips from this album, but he is worth of an attention Harris 'at the Playboy club' Taylor trio, with Candido Bushkin 'and friends in Concert Town Hall' above mentioned album, guitar is played by Chuck Wayne, again, player that we did not mentioned (often anyway) Hope this will put some light on him Chuck Wayne 'Morning Mist' |
Paul and Nsp, glad you like it. Also, both of you have posted earlier some new guitarists, for me, that I liked, but never got to thank you,please forgive me for that,but lately you all have been very productive, so many posts,its hard to even read and listen to all, yet alone to answer, the conversation is unwiding so fast, when I wish to reply I am already 3 pages late. (pure excuse, I know,ha) Nsp, could not open the Kellaway link, again that regional thing on ytube. From what albums are those compositions? Take a listen on that Fred Kaz guy,I have only that album, but he seems interesting, perhaps Frogman could tell us whats 'wrong' with his playing, why he is not more known? (i am not sarcastic) Paul, here is another 'jazzical' piano player (also mentioned before) Don Friedman |
If you have not seen this concert already, you should.Live and in color, so many famous players. The year is apperently 1972. not 1971 as stated. |
Schubert, if you dont mind me (sort of) answering, I would choose Italy, for a country to live. Austria is certainly beautiful as well, but I would say that Italians are litlle bit more relaxed and open toward other people (I should not generalize, but still...)
Paul, or others, if you ever decide to visit this part of the world, let me know, would be glad to show you around.
Today, with booking com or arbnb platform its quite easy and cheap to find stay almost anywhere and transport is not a big cost either
Keegiam, you are not the only one who thinks that such post is out of the place, but, the Rok has a history of such expressions, its better not to take him serious. If we would react on every such move, this place would soon end up beeing a place where we discuss jazz music. There is a good example about it, just few pages earlier. So, it can be sad, that perhaps we got used to it, which of course does not excuses us, but its perhaps a lesser evil in comparation to likely desintegration of forum in case we start to answer to each other on every such sentence that we might object. Since there are just a few people writing here anyway (there are lots more views, but no actual responses or contributions) maybe it is a wise thing to do.Personally, part of me sometimes screams with a wish to say few things, but I am quite sure that it could be also very easily taken as offense by someone, but to what point? Pick your battles where it make sense to fight them... |
Frogman, saw documentary on tv, from Steinway factory (in lack of better term, as they are made by hand) and aldo the pianos are all made by same people with same material, they sound different, so man can choose one that suits him best. They have a large hall where the pianos can be tried before purchase. Fascinating stuff, but it seems that they (Steinway co.) are worried about the future. What about brass instruments, do they sound different ? (if made by same producer)
Keegiam, when posting, try to find the clip you are talking about on ytube and than share it here. Its much easier to hear it that way |