Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by alexatpos

My two favorite versions of 'softly as morning sunrise'....

Wynton Kelly


Vince Guaraldi


For couple of weeks already we do not have any more lockdown, but it might be a very long winter, since the already poor economy took a big hit (tourism mostly)

Funny enough, here the 'blame' is on 'rich shady' people 'behind the curtains'...not on the poor old comrads, as Rok would say....'smile'
Coryell with Mclaughlin and Paco de Lucia on Paco's 'Castro Marin' album from 1981.


this one I do not have, its on dvd, not sure is it on record as well

Frogman, beat this...

Mariachi Band from Croatia, singing in croatian....on national tv...
many comments on spanish, below....


Nsp, this is the album where I first heard Pieranunzi, with Chet Baker. Posted it before,in case you missed it.
Interesting, it features Charlie Haden as well, so its something for Acman too...



As Rok would say ’tonight listen’....ok, not just that....but I’ll be polite and post just one album...

’Just Wailin’ fro 1958....H.Mann,C.Rouse. K.Burrell, M.Waldron


full album

edit, Just saw last post from Op.
Please dont be so harsh, Orpheus, no need for such tone unless you want to chase people away from the thread

Acman, I have several Frank Moran albums, this one is my favourite, I guess, with Kenny Burrell. Posted it before, but maybe somebody else will pick it now...



Also, Phineas Newborne was mentioned as well, but perhaps few cuts that were not





...and one as sideman


and few Christmas songs, but with very soulful feeling, from Kenny Burrell...




...one for a guy that mentioned Vince Guaraldi...


In a 'lighter' note, two 'sevdah' songs. If I dont ask too much, I would be very curious to hear what kind of emotion or thoughts this evokes,if any, with you guys...


By the way, if someone is interested what kind of music is it, there is a great explanation in english,below in the comments , half way on that page under the first song
My vote is for stories too...

There is famous mountin climber, world traveller, film maker and even a war vet, from this parts (he climbed Everest twice, K2, all highest peaks on every continent,North pole, etc.) who once said in kind of melancholyc way, when answering question about his exploits, that the only thing that remains after man's life are just the stories....his or about him, nevermind...
Cold winter nights (aldo not really,really cold here) are great for reading and music.
Picking some albums from shelfs  that I do not listen often, this came as a pleasant surprise that I had to share.

'The slightly unusual date 'Two Jims and a Zoot' features tenor saxophonist Zoot Sims interacting with two guitarists (Jimmy Raney and Jim Hall) while given subtle support by bassist Steve Swallow and drummer Osie Johnson. Although the eight selections (none of which caught on as standards) had all been written recently and sometimes display the influence of bossa nova, the quiet performances could pass for 1954 rather than 1964. The cool-toned improvisations and boppish playing have a timeless quality about them'....   

Well, Schubert, it certainly made me dance. I think that song will be my hit of the day. Sing, sing, sing....

more japanese jazz (funk?)...The funk jazz masters


I have one nice album of them with Lonnie Smith, but its not on ytube.
I found its samples here, so perhaps somebody might hear it too...

Acman, imagine, was on concert of Anat Cohen few yers ago in my hometown and here is the recording that somebody made live on that event.

P.S. Mary Joe was not there, at the time she still listened Van Halen (...Mj. I had to,ha,ha)
Schubert, I believe you might like this song...


By the way, just recently  got that album, apparently the only live one Nat King Cole made, ' Live at the Sands'....nice one...


As for the walshman....here is one with famous tv doctor who can play and sing too...


Hugh Laurie (Dr.House) speaks about blues and his idols (Howlin Wolf as well)

two from Hugh Laurie



I would say that this lady can sing too...Gaby Moreno


Hugh Laurie & Gaby Moreno - The Weed Smoker's Dream
Just watched the video, I find it very interesting. To me it looks like they know what they are talking about.
Curious, also, what exactly is that you do not agree with, Rok?

Acman, Hawk and the saxes, nice album, will try to get it...
Frogman, here is one of the albums of Gene Harris that I have, together with S.T. from mid 80's.
You might like it, if you dont have it

'This superb album (reissued on CD) solidified pianist Gene Harris' return to the jazz major leagues. Teamed up with bassist Ray Brown, drummer Mickey Roker, and tenor saxophonist Stanley Turrentine, Harris stretches out on such songs as Ray Brown's blues "Gene's Lament," "Things Ain't What They Used to Be," "Yours Is My Heart Alone," and "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Harris and Turrentine work together so well on this soulful blues/bop date that one wishes they had teamed up much more often.




Also, perhaps interesting, concert and lessons, it should be more occasions and musicians doing this...

Pryso, if its not much trouble for you, I would be very curious to hear more from you about your perspective of state of jazz in general when you were growing up and later.
For non americans such stories from first hand experiences are quite interesting
Reading and listening music is a nice way to spend Sunday evening,
picking some albums from shelfs that I do not listen often...

Evan Bradshaw( trio), was a childhood friend of Phineas Newborn, recorded two albums in 58. and 59. and left no other trace in music world...



version of the same song played by Phineas Newborn

Frogman, I believe there is a movie in cinemas called ’Green Book’, with Viggo Mortensen based on life of Don Shirley.
Have not seen it yet, but planning to.


(Rock, if you are reading this and if you have watched the movie, would be curious to hear your opinion)

As for Bradshaw, its always good to hear your opinion about technical aspects of someones musical performance.
I have both albums he recorded, the first one called ’Look out (for B.E.)’ features P.Joe Jones

Finding ’forgotten’ musicians or albums does not require some particular dedication, just some reading about jazz, but I am glad if some unknown or forgotten musicians and albums will be listend again, because of my posting.

Also, I must admit, its much, much easier with ytube, you can actually listen and check somebody that you think that you might like...not to mention Amazon where you can search and order the album...

Sometimes I listen to some album that I already have and if I hear and like some sideman playing I search for him too....like this, for exmp.

Johnny Acea, he caught my attention while listening this album of Leo Parker




Could not find any album where he plays as leader, but look where he played...(I have quite a few of those albums, as some of you, I believe)


more about him...
Sorry to interrupt...but I had to...late night session, in my living room...
Another piece 'from the shelf'...

Carmell Jones 'Jay hawk talk' from 1965. with Barry Harris and Jimmy Heath


Acman, believe that that has to be something conected with policy of publishing rights on ytube. Some of the links that you guys post are sometimes also unavailable to me ( I see the name of the artist but ’content cant be played due to copyright rights in your country’ )

It is that or the Russians are guilty for it....

Pryso, thank you for the answer.
Sometimes its a mystery to me, why people like (or dont like) certain types of music.
Are we born with some inclinations or is it matter of different influences that we are exposed during our lives, who would know?

I really know lots of folks, but among all of them, there are perhaps five (5) of them who listen  jazz...I tried to share or to introduce many of them (at home and at a bar that I had, as well) to some nice or accessible stuff, but except the polite patience, never get far...

...and,by the way, jazz is bad for business (if you sell booze), at least in my hometown,ha,ha....
Sometimes, when I would like to close earlier, I would just play some...the drinks would stay in glasses, so fast the guests would leave....

Paul, Jeremy Pelt, fine music, I like it, will buy it, new, as you said, but the atmosphere on the album seems to be like the one from past times...

Rok, Rare Earth was one of may favourite bands when I was in high school, have the concert album from 74. (the one with a bag on cover)
They were great, but also did not get much exposure to wider audience...
Aldo its here stated that album is called 'Angel Eyes' I have it as 'Bags Groove' from Black Lion label, from 1961.
Everything else is the same, I guess.

Duke Pearson trio, really like this one, for quiet nights. We have mentioned him many times, but still... 





Pjw, glad you liked the album(s)

Orpheus, good to see you back. Hope you are doing fine.

Here is another album that you might like.

Roland Hanna 'Duke Ellington piano solos'

Speaking about  'The subject of slow tempos and playing slowly' I guess this could count as well, aldo not all album is like that....

Roger Kellaway trio, from 1965.


same song as Byrd played it above, from other album (this one I dont have)

and one played live, with Gene Harris....senor blues

Paul, glad you like it.
Yes, it would be hard to choose between those.
If you like Chet, I could recommend the album on which that song is.
It is this one, he plays standards on it, its one of my favourits.
'As times go by' 

But, for tonight (its after midnight at my place) I will post this one.... 

Taft Jordan 'Mood indigo'  album from 1960./61.




Acman, this is the cover music from one yougoslavian tv series (about the ww2) from 1974.
Translation would be kind of ’ The Expendables’...
You can clearly  hear the original influences....

Coltrane, if you hang around long enough you will notice that sometimes here there are few parallel conversations and few monologs, all in the same time, kind of free jazz thing. 
Hope to see more posts from you (or anybody else who does not post often here)

Slow guitar...couple of songs from two famous guitar players,albums are from 70’s.

Tal Farlow, from ’A sign of times’ from 1976


Kenny Burrell from ’Round midnight’ from 1972



....spaeaking of beautiful ballads on sax...how about this one?

Charlie Rouse
Just ordered Horace Parlan's 'Happy Frame of Mind' album...

Horace Parlan (p), Booker Ervin (t sax), Johnny Coles (tp), Grant Green (g), Butch Warren (b) and Billy Higgins (d) in 1963.

A1 song 'Home is Africa'

Perhaps this comparation could be called a ’stretch’ one but this composition came to mine mind, after listening to ’Slow drag’....

...perhaps sounding a tad bit sinister...

John Coltrane’s ’Equinox’ from ’Coltrane’s sound’ from 1964


..speaking of ’sinister’ notes, this one has my favourite intro (posted before)...

Schubert, the bass player on that album is Wendell Marshall.

Here are few words about him from 'all music com'

discography.... (I guess everyone has some album where he played)


one more from Eddie Costa, with Bill Evans and Wendell Marshall


Schubert, you may check conections to Europe via London. US and Uk held plane lines despite cancelled flights from US to EU.
Than forget Spain and come to Croatia....

song for guys and dolls feeling low...


’Guys and dolls like vibes’ from Eddie Costa with Bill Evans


Listening now and the hour is just about right....

Illinois Jacquet ’Round midnight’ from ’The bues, thats me’ album,r.1969.


Hope nobody will be offended, but Bennett somehow does not touch me.
I could try to explain it better, but his singing I find to be ’light’. I have one his album, with B.Evans, but did not listened it much. Is it a tone, or a lack of expression (imho), but I just could not develop an affection for his singing.
I tryed, just to add, in my defence.

I respect Sinatra, but like Dean Martin more. Than again, Sinatra ’at the Sands’, with Count’s orchestra is a great album.
He was perhaps arogant, but seems to have feeling for self-irony


Of course, we have mentioned Nat King Cole and J.Hartman, but maybe Lou Rawls was not mentioned often...


After those words I am kind of reluctant to speak about Bennett anymore, so instead will just put two albums of Dean Martin that I like.

As far as I am concerned, he could sing the lines from a phone book and it still would sound great...

Dean Martin 'This time I am swinging' album

 'Dream with Dean' album

Well, ok, will share few thoughts (listening to Bennett in background )

First, let me just point out that English is not my native language, so I could have somewhat different perspective in general toward vocalists.
Also, their (singers) cultural heritage might be viewed diferent, from our very different points of perception ( geographically and culturally)

But, bottom line is that I find (or better, feel) Bennet's singing, in lack of better words, rather 'flat' and  inexpressive, uninspiring, quite limited in range and colorless.For some reason, all songs, when sung by him seemed to be the same. I am quite perplexed why do people like his singing, as singing in general is very primitive (not meaning vulgar, but primordial) and people usually react the same when they hear something nice (birds singing for example). But, maybe its my 'fault'...
I really dont want to sound harsh,again, hope nobody will be offened, as I have nothing against him, his work or personality, it just that his singing does not touch me at all...
No, I watched it only once...I have no albums of Shirley, remeber that Frogman mentioned him before the movie talk started,
For me the thing that got me thinking was segregation...not the first time that I saw it, of course,in film or in literature, but it is a really ugly sight...
Pity that Rok (if you are reading this, hope you are well) is not participating, guess we could read some interesting explanations...
Paul, just in case you missed this post...

...here are few albumus that I posted before of (now) less known guitar players, curious to know do you have them....

Dempsey Wright, from 'The Wright Approach'

Dick Garcia, from 'Message from Garcia'

Oscar Moore quartet (w Carl Perkins)

Billy Bauer 'Plectrist'

Joe Puma from 'Wild Kitten'

Les Spann from 'Gemini'

Mundell Lowe 'A grand night for swinging'

Ray Crawford 'Smooth Groove'

Tiny Grimes 'Blues Groove'

Rene Thomas 'Guitar Groove'

Paul, lucky you, now you have something new to listen and discover...
Hope you will like it, if you wish I can post more of them...

Since you like and have many albums as well, post some that you think are less known, but interesting....(older ones for me)
Schubert, try this, two organ players, together playing live...

Groove Holmes and Jimmy McGriff


Guitar player on that album, O'Donel Levy, has a soulfull sound,has anybody listened more of him?

Nothing much to add to that, just maybe trying to put it in the perspective.
For 5t usd per month (60t usd a year) you could have a lifestyle of rich man.

Meaning, you could rent any luxury place for living (in any great neighborhood in country, in any town, Zagreb, Split or Dubrovnik) including help or service (cleaning, cooking or medical care) on daily basis.

On top of that, you would be able to afford to dine in about any restaurant of your choice, or get your food delivered to home from it.

Transport is cheap, no need to have a car, you could get a safe, clean and comfortable ride by taxi anytime day or night five minuts after you call it, that will get you anywhere and back, for a price of bag of peanuts.

Still, you would be left with enough money for any concert, cinema or social gathering...or travelling around the country, or suroundning ones (lots of great and diverse nature and places to see)

To be honest, aldo we have foreigners living here (they are quite domestcated now) I am surprised that we do not have much more of them, retired people at least

...and, virtually almost no 'bad neighbourhoods' in whole country (certainly not in any of major towns) meaning that small kids can go to school alone or that people living in smaller buildings are not even locking their doors and you can walk alone (man or female) in any part of town, any time of day or night (not that there is something to do at night, but still)

Crime is done by guys in politics, not on the streets.....