Japanese/Asian Speakers???

I've read a lot about US, Canadian and European speakers but so far none about Japanese or Asian made speakers. Does anyone know any GOOD QUALITY (mid to hi-fi) Japanese speakers?
1) I hadn't seen Ultrakaz' comment yet but he is right.
2) Exclusive is made by Pioneer. They still make speakers which are not as megabuck as I thought (though from memory, some of the older ones are about twice as large as the ones shown). The website, unfortunately only in Japanese, is here.
3) I forgot to include in the previous note that Murata and Pioneer (and undoubtedly others) both make high-end ribbon super-tweeters and that both Fujitsu ("Eclipse" models) and Murata make speakers as well.
in japan,the god of all speakers is jbl. hartsfields,4312's and others are still being built in the u.s. today by jbl and shipped to japan for exclusive distribution...the vision of true hi fi in japan is more closely linked to companies with a long history of significant achievement and an an absolute reverence for history..period.....small living spaces don't stop anyone who can afford them. others of note are klipsch duntech and tannoy...all others are wannabes.....
Visit the Calix Technology website for another speaker mfg from Taiwan. The press on the top of the line Phoenix series has been VERY positive (CES and Stereophile Show a month or so ago). Unique in appearance, sonics are superb and on pair with the best speakers available, cost no object.