Jan GE 6cG7 what other tube recommendations

Hi all,

I want to replace my Ei 6cg7 in my pre amp. What are the Jan GE 6cg7 like soundwise as I could get a pair. What others do you recommend? What are the RCA clear tops or grey plates like?
what place do you recommend to purchase them - I live in Australia
Any assistance would be appreciated.


I did read somewhere about the Amperex being a re-branded GE or Sylvania but I am by no means an authority on the subject. As Atmashere said all the vintage 6CG7 tubes are good.
I just like the sound of this tube. It's basically a miniature 6SN7. If your going to keep your preamp it is worth getting some tubes to try.
Just a note. If you are able to change the heater voltage from 6.3 to 8 volts. You can use the 8cg7. They are the same tube with a different heater voltage and you can get them cheap.
The 6CG7 is also a 6FQ7 and you might find more options with that number. I've always liked the GE's or the Philips/Sylvania.
Hi all,

What are the RCA black plate "Fat D getter" type or Rayheon glass like sonically?
I find the RCA black plate to be good all around. Well balanced and good extension on top and bottom. That said the difference between the two different RCA's, Sylvania's and GE's is not that great. They are all fine tubes.

I have not tried the Raytheon's. I believe the early one's from the 50's to 60's were made in the U.S. Later production moved to Japan. "still good tubes from what I read". I think you may like any of the tubes mentioned. You may still like the EI's better? Rolling tubes can make you a little crazy:)