Jamo Concert 11 vs. Focal 726v

Hello. I am currently shopping around for some used speakers. I have found 2 very good deals and I'm wondering which ones are the best speakers for the price. I currently only have a Sony Receiver, so I don't have any high end components or amps. I do plan on upgrading the amp in the future but do not want to break the bank.

Here are the deals I am considering:
Jamo Concert 11 - $1000
Focal 726v - $700

Which of these 2 would be the better sounding speaker and better overall deal?
I know you posted a year ago but since you posted two years later I thought it would be okay. Do you still have the Jamo speakers and how do you feel about them? I am in a vintage mood and since my son has the concert center and concert surrounds, I was contemplating getting him a pair of the concert 11 or D870.