Jadis Fidelity

Somebody can tell me we do not see too many Jadis product on Audiogon? What do I have to expect(buy or sell) for a Jadis 100 (E34 Tubes) ? Do Jadis people keep their gears longer?
I have not owned ARC, but through demos and auditions at audio shops, my impression of the VT 100 and Ref preamp were not satisfying. A bit more analytical or solid- state sounding. Odd, how some manufacturers of tube equipment strive to attain attributes of solid-state, while solid-state designers try to capture the warmth of tubes. Jadis, often labeled warm and colored, portrays a more visceral presentation ( cables, speakers, etc... synergy ), much more than the blanched sound I heard with ARC. Assessing ARC on my four short term experiences remains unsubstatiated, as many have avowed the sound quality is nothing short of spectacular. You may need to get out and listen. Never discount your ancilliary equipment, your room, and of course, your taste. As a sidebar, being a imaging and soundstage freak, no other amp/preamp has expanded my listening room like Jadis electronics.
Rcprince, thanks for your excellent input. I was not going to comment on this topic, because my experience with the latest ARC gear is limited, but from what I have listened to, you are-to these ears here - dead right! I can corroberate every word you say ! By the way, I am waiting for an Aesthetics IO to arrive and am very curious to compare it to my Jadis Pre-Pre and JP80 chain. (With Telefunkens NOS ) Shall report here again, if anybody is interested.
Sidhh, you are dead right about what you say about the soundstage too. Its also my experience.