Isophon Cassiano or what?

I have recently sold my Sonus Faber Guarneri homage, because i wanted to try something new. I have come across the Isophon Cassiano speaker, and can only find really good things written about them . One person meant that it beat the Avalon opus ceramiqe compared in his livingroom.
did anyone of you listened to these and what was your impression.maybe on its bigger brother the Isophon Arabba
Are they really that great?
maybe i should add the pricedifference in Denmark
Isophon Cassiano 22k dollar

Avalon Indra 35k dollar

are the Avalons worth this pricedifference
Well, Smaj, you'll have to listen to both very carefully. On paper, the Isophon uses a more expensive driver complement (all Thiel & Partner). Impossible to say which is better, why, & by how much -- without testing!
I know you are right Gregm ,and the speakers sound different from person to person, but if Branimir knows both speakers well, maybe he could point out what the difference is . Maybe I could live happely ever after with the Isophon, and better the chain elswhere with the rest of the money.... but testing for sure
Cassiano Diamond has little bit more bass depth and power. Its soundstage is not as deep as Indra's. In fact Cassiano's soundstage is smaller in all dimensions(although difference is not huge). Cassiano is better with marginally better with popular music and Indra is better with classic and jazz.
Indra is kinder load while Cassiano is pretty tough one since its impedance curve drops to almost 2ohms in bass.

Is Indra a lot better speaker? No but, it is better to my ears.

In the end it will depend a lot on your musical preference and system synergy.
What about the smaller Avalin ascendent2 compared to the cassiano Diamond ? It should also be a great "small" speaker . They are the same pricerange here in dk !