Isolation Transformers

I bought an isolation transformer from a fellow selling his home audio gear about a year or so ago. It’s a 12” cube that weighs roughly 60 lbs and has 8 plugs in the back. It was apparently used in a hospital. 
I have most of my gear including a tube preamp plugged into it mostly for protection purposes. It puts out a constant 124v which is a few more than what I get directly from the wall socket.
Anyone else using this sort of device as a “power conditioner” and what are the pros and cons of using one? I’m guessing delivering a constant voltage (almost) regardless of the load is the main advantage of this type of device but am wondering if it impedes full current delivery at high amplifier loads. Thanks. 
Took some measurements. The voltage in the adjacent socket is 118.8v. With everything plugged into the transformer; streamer, DAC, preamp, and amp, the voltage out of the transformer is 122.4v +/-0.1 volts without anything turned on. With everything turned on the voltage stayed exactly the same with or without music playing even at high volumes. I had seen 124v in the past but I'm guessing it depends on the time of day where the voltage from the wall socket was closer to 120v. So it looks like the difference is roughly around 3.5-4 volts. On surface, the unit (1400VA according to the label) appears to be maintaining the same voltage regardless of the load, at least in my system.  
By the way, this is what TSi Power says on their website:
"An isolation line conditioner can eliminate the need for a dedicated circuit or expensive rewiring. This is particularly helpful when wiring is old or a tenant doesn’t have easy access to distribution panel boards."
kalali OP

1,684 posts
04-12-2019 1:07pmT

ook some measurements. The voltage in the adjacent socket is 118.8v. With everything plugged into the transformer; streamer, DAC, preamp, and amp, the voltage out of the transformer is 122.4v +/-0.1 volts without anything turned on. With everything turned on the voltage stayed exactly the same with or without music playing even at high volumes

You said the transformer is rated at 1400Va. 1400 / 120V = 11.7 amps. If you did not experience any VD when everything is turned on that indicates the combined loads of your equipment is below 80% of 11.7 amps.
As for the output voltage of the transformer. 122.4V to 124V is considered on the high side. 122.4V marginal, 124V is high, imo.

I would check the nameplate voltage rating for the equipment you have plugged into the transformer. If it is 115V, 124V is too high in my opinion. 122.4V is pushing it. At 124V you have zero room for an overvoltage event on the AC mains, imo.

Look at the data plate on the isolation transformer unit, What does it say for input voltage, or it might say line in voltage? Does it possibly show more than one line in voltage? Like 115V, 117V, 120V? If so the transformer may offer different primary winding voltage line tap connections.

What does it say for line out voltage, or output voltage?

Last but not least. Is the unit an Isolated Power System or it wired as a Grounded Power System?
Looking into a Topaz step up isolation transformer to power a Class A SET integrated amp in the US that requires 230V.  Power output of the amp is 48W per channel and power consumption is 400W.

Do I simply multiply the power consumption (400W) by two to determine the correct size of the transformer?  Which in this case would be a 1kVA model.