Isolation device under Ayre CX-7e?

I was wondering if anyone places the isolation device such as Vibrapod or maple wood board under Ayre CX-7e? What's your opinion?

I put my CX-7e on top of a maple wood board and then on top of 4 Vibrapod last night. THe soundstage was bigger, but the high is kind of echoeing. When i took them out, then the sound is clearer but soundstage was smaller. I just want to get some opinions or suggestions from experts here.

Thanks for reading.
i read in that placing something like a piece of wood under tenderfeet will be ok. But I figure something like Ayre/Cardas Myrtle block combination will help. Actually, there's one person selling Myrtle wood block (same wood that Cardas makes ) in A'gon and i'll order from him. It's reasonable price to try out anyway.

Thanks for suggestions.
I use Monument Reference Signature SoundPosts and they are stellar. However, they do not come cheap..


A good question...I think you will gain a moderate to significant improvement in sound if you just use the Mapleshade isolation system. And no I have no relationship to Pierre Spreys Company. However he does have good "ears" and he does make great recordings. Have fun!

Best wishes

On my CX-7e I'm using a brightstar platform and brightstar little rock on top for complete isolation. Using both focused the soundstage and the lower end.
Slight topic drift ... Statman, did you get both BrightStar components at the same time? I'm wondering if you could say what effect the Little Rock has. I have a Air Mass 3 Reference (different player) and have often wondered about the Little Rock.
