Is Tom Evans Audio Design out of business?

Anyone know about the status of this company? I shipped him a Groove phone preamp for repair and upgrade last August (from the USA to the UK). I did this through a USA Tom Evans dealer. I never heard directly from Tom Evans but the dealer would occasionally give me vague updates. In mid-February, the dealer said Evans told him my unit would be shipped "next week." But now the Tom Evans Audio Design e-mail bounces back and his phone has a 24/7 busy signal. The dealer, a guy named Darrin O'Neill of Audio Limits in Colorado, now says he knows nothing and thinks Evans may be out of business. I have contacted other Tom Evans dealers and no one can tell me anything helpful. Fortunately I was never charged and have not sent any payments, although I offered to several times. The whole situation seems very strange to me. I only post this because I have a phono preamp that is unaccounted for and not much recourse. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated.
"I was never charged and i have not sent any payments".....
Please tell me why you would just not walk away from this,am i missing something?
Dear Ladok,

Tom Evans is in business. I have just received a Master Groove from him.

I have forwarded this thread to him and I just finished talking to him on the phone!

Tom has had email problems for a while but his phone works fine. Regardless, there is no excuse for poor communication.

Please email me your phone number or call me. I asked Tom to call you directly and explain the situation to you.

If you do not have a spare phono stage, let me know. Perhaps I can loan you one while you are waiting for the repair.

Best regards,
I am glad to hear you are getting closer to some resolution, and your frustration is certainly warranted. A silver lining here is Mohra from Sora Sound stepping up and facilitating your repair. Kudos to him - his reputation continues to impress. Good luck with a piece of gear that you obviously enjoy.
I think it's appropriate that I update this thread, since I am the original poster. My repaired/upgraded Tom Evans Groove arrived about a month ago, it's now the Groove 20th Anniversary model. I originally sent it to Tom Evans in August of last year, anyone interested in the details of why the transaction took so long can read the thread above. The person who made this all really happen is Mehran of SORAsound in Chicago, he is an Evans dealer who interceded on my behalf, he apparently has a good working relationship with Tom Evans. Mehran is a gentleman and a businesman of the highest order and I highly recommend him. He recognized my frustration with the situation and stepped in when he saw this thread. He and Tom Evans agreed to lower the price on the repair/upgrade to compensate for the LONG delay, which I did not even hint that I expected them to do, because I thought the quoted price was already reasonable to begin with. I also recognize that I could have done a better job packaging the Groove before shipping it. Now, about the Groove Anniversary phono preamp: It looks a lot like the original Groove, but it has a separate power supply, and also dip switches to allow for 9 different resistance and 5 capacitance settings. The unit is not broken in yet so I won't say a whole lot about how it plays music except to say that I loved the original Groove and even without being broken in, it's obvious that the Annivesary edition is even better. I am generally a "tube guy" and I consider the Groove to be some of the best that solid state has to offer. At this point, it rivals the phono section of my Shindo Monbrison (also not completely broken in), but I must emphasize that at this point, it's too early to make an evaluation. Let's just say that for now, I'm enjoying LP playback more than at any time in 35 years, and I'm beginning to believe the old cliche, "there is much more in those grooves of our LPs than we ever thought possible." Again, thank you Mehran and nice work Tom, you are a gifted designer who needs some business help.